info Overview
Name - What is Avery Campbell’s full name?

Avery Campbell

Age - How old is Avery Campbell?

8 (appears 23)

Gender - What is Avery Campbell’s gender?

Created as female, but does not personally prescribe to a gender

Other names - What other aliases does Avery Campbell go by?

Avery, thing, missus, Dr Campbell's child, monster, Angel, My child, Precious

Role - What is Avery Campbell’s role in your story?

Supporting character
Protagonist in side story

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Avery Campbell’s eye color?

Heterchromatic. Left eye is a bright emerald green, while her right eye is a polished silver or mercury colour

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Avery Campbell have?

Uhh... eyebrows????

Hair Style - How does Avery Campbell style their hair?

Long hair, curly at the last few inches. Her bangs are chin length and swept to the sides somewhat. A headband is always in her hair

Hair Color - What color is Avery Campbell’s hair?

Chestnut brown

Height - How tall is Avery Campbell?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Avery Campbell have?

Small mole under her left eye, faint scars on her arm from when her 'mother' attacked her once

Body Type

Thin and model-like.

Weight - How much does Avery Campbell weigh?

She weighs around 110 Lbs.

Skin Tone

Very pale, almost porcelain doll-like

Race - What is Avery Campbell’s race?

Homunculus, appears to be a mixed race human of Asian and European descent

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Avery Campbell have?

She cooks for her 'father' and plays piano and violin

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Avery Campbell have?

She is very innocent and childlike. Even though she has the appearance of a 23 year old, she has the emotional understanding of an eight year old. Emotions are alien to her, so when she gets angry, she starts crying and gets scared, often running to her 'father' because she doesn't know what she is feeling. Her emotions, due to her lack of control and understanding, tend to be rather... extreme.

Motivations - What motivates Avery Campbell most?

As a homunculus, she is obligated to serve her creator in any way they so desire. As she was originally created to help her 'father' and his wife cope with the loss of their previous child due to epidemic, her duty is that of a child trying to please her parents. Since the death of Dr. Campbell's wife, her duties have shifted fully towards him.

Flaws - What flaws does Avery Campbell have?

Her complete lack of understanding emotions and constant feeling of failure whenever she sees her 'father' depressed or drunk are her biggest flaws. That said, she is trying to understand emotions, and Dr. Campbell is himself attempting to impress upon her that she is by far the brightest light currently in his life.
She is also fairly reluctant to change, though she is willing to do anything if it makes her 'father' happy.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Avery Campbell have?

She isn't really prejudiced, though she also just follows what Dr. Campbell does

Hobbies - What hobbies does Avery Campbell have?

I wouldn't say that she really has hobbies. She has things she does on a regular basis that could be considered hobbies, but she only does them because that's what she thinks a child would do to please their parent(s)

Personality type - What personality type is Avery Campbell?

ISFJ (-A/-T)
Avery exhibits many traits that belong to the 'Defender' type personality, mainly in her altruistic actions, being more focused on pleasing everyone than her own well being.
She is extremely reliable and supportive, though when she gets overwhelmed, she effectively shuts down and is absolutely no help to anyone.
The most important thing to her is her 'father's happiness -going to such lengths as to throw herself into nearly everything she does so he has less to worry about. However, this has a detrimental effect on her because she represses her own feelings (because she doesn't know how to handle the alien feelings) to the point that she doesn't realize when she is hurting herself. This often leads to situations where she overworks herself to sickness, which leads to her 'father' worrying greatly for her.
On occasion, Dr. Campbell shows her off at parties and dinners, calling her his 'precious gem.' This causes her both great joy and discomfort, as she only views his praise in a good light, and sees others' as their attempts to part her from her 'father.'

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Avery Campbell’s favorite color?

She is drawn to creams and browns

Favorite animal - What is Avery Campbell’s favorite animal?

Animals seem to hate her, or at least not like her. Though she does like dogs a bit

Favorite weapon - What is Avery Campbell’s favorite weapon?

She has never held a weapon before.

Favorite possession - What is Avery Campbell’s favorite possession?

She has a porcelain doll given to her by her 'father' that she seems to care greatly for. In reality, she just doesn't think it would be good to neglect it.

Favorite food - What is Avery Campbell’s favorite food?

Apple glazed pork and cheese tortellini. It was both the first thing she ever ate, as well as the first thing Dr. Campbell taught her to make.

Occupation - What is Avery Campbell’s occupation?

She is unemployed, though if she had to say what her job was, she would be a housekeeper.

Politics - What politics does Avery Campbell have?

Avery doesn't know what politics are, just that it makes Dr. Campbell angry

Religion - What religion does Avery Campbell practice?

Avery doesn't practice a religion, though she calls herself a Christian because of Dr. Campbell.

info History
Birthday - When is Avery Campbell’s birthday?

As she was created through alchemy, Avery doesn't have a birthday. Dr. Campbell tries to get her to celebrate July 19th as her birthday, but she does not know how to, and even when he practically forced her to, the result was lackluster at best.

Background - What is Avery Campbell’s background?

Avery was 'born,' as it were, around 8 years ago through a cross of arcane rituals and alchemy. Her creator, Dr. Campbell, had been desperately searching for ways to either resurrect his child lost three years prior to plague.
While homunculi were by no means an uncommon thing to see in the world, most were used as slaves or simple labor, their Masters able to do anything they saw fit to towards their creations.
However, Dr. Campbell had a different wish in mind for what he was attempting to create -a daughter for him and his wife. A homunculus to solely exist as a child, and not as a slave.
Upon her creation, Dr. Campbell brought Avery to his wife, presenting her to the grieving mother as a present. Suffice it to say, it was a rather cold meeting for the two.
For the next 4 years, while Avery was taught about the world and given an education befitting someone of her appearance, she assisted in maintenance around the Campbell family manor in addition to her duties of acting as a child to her 'parents' until one day Dr. Campbell's wife attacked Avery. Avery ran to the Dr. sobbing and clutching a bloodied arm to her chest, asking him why her 'mother' mistreated her so.

Weeks later, the Dr's wife took ill with an unknown disease and quickly passed away.

In the years since, Avery has continued to act as both the child of Dr. Campbell and as his most loyal servant in the manor, learning everything she can do as to better please her 'father' and creator. But as of late, something seems to have been darkening around this innocent homunculus...

Education - What is Avery Campbell’s level of education?

Homeschooled with an equivalent education of a bachelor's degree

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Sleeping Habits
Sleep span

As a homunculus, Avery doesn't require much sleep.. or she shouldn't. However, Dr. Campbell had slightly altered the alchemical process, and she sleeps a lot -usually around 9-11 hours a day. She doesn't need it, but she sleeps a lot


This character was created by Nelkere on

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