info Overview
Name - What is Gawain’s full name?


Age - How old is Gawain?

350 years old

Gender - What is Gawain’s gender?


Role - What is Gawain’s role in your story?

Father to Main Character

face Looks
Height - How tall is Gawain?


Weight - How much does Gawain weigh?

1,400 lbs

Body Type

Thick body, massive wings, supple tail, broad snout

Skin Tone

Brown scales with red and amber undertones on the wings and stomach.

Race - What is Gawain’s race?

Mountain Dragon

Eye Color - What is Gawain’s eye color?

Crystal blue

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Gawain have?

Doesn't like humans (save for his wife) due to their prejudices against his relationship and the fact that humans and dragons fight regularly.

HATES his family due to the treatment of enemies (death required for anyone who even speaks out of turn, family members are given only a slight bit of leniency) and the abuse he suffered as a child.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gawain have?

Lashes tail when angry

Tucks in wings when in the mountain cave where he lives

While relatively reserved, he does get loud when he becomes excited.

Motivations - What motivates Gawain most?

Protecting his wife and son

Flaws - What flaws does Gawain have?

Draconic greed, inherent focus on treasure, food, and sex (in that order)

Used to being quiet due to the fact that heavy punishments were inflicted on family members that spoke out of turn.

Talents - What talents does Gawain have?

Earthbending, Hunting

Hobbies - What hobbies does Gawain have?

Collecting smooth stones

Magical abilities

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Gawain’s favorite color?


Languages spoken

Favorite weapon - What is Gawain’s favorite weapon?

Fire breath

Favorite possession - What is Gawain’s favorite possession?

Hoard of smooth stones

Favorite food - What is Gawain’s favorite food?

Fresh cows

info History
Birthday - When is Gawain’s birthday?


Background - What is Gawain’s background?

Grew up in a crime family, only one that had "Bending", was used to mine for precious metals and gems. He would be forced into a dark hole for many hours of the day, pulling up mountains of treasure to go into the family hoard. However, as he grew up, he could do this far more easily, so he spent his time either goofing off or training his Bending to be stronger.

Education - What is Gawain’s level of education?

"Homeschooled" (can read and write messily, that's about it)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Growing up in a crime family wasn't easy, but it paid well (for everyone else). It was led by Gawain's grandmother, referred to only as The Matriarch by everyone except for her husband. The rules were strict, meant to foster respect for anyone who was a station above you. Gawain, being the baby of the family, had this beaten into him more often than not. Ear pulling, head flicking, tail and talon stomping, he suffered through it all.

When The Matriarch learned that her new grandson had special powers, he was immediately put to work. They put him in the abandoned mine near their base, and he would pull up treasure from the rocks. He was watched by his youngest cousin, older than him by a few years. Problem was, he wasn't too bright, and so whenever he would leave Gawain to his own devices, Gawain would pull up as much as he could before sneaking out of the mine. He would then spend the rest of the afternoon trying to improve his Earthbending or screwing around with the other dragonets.

Eventually, the family found out about his escapades and they forbid him from ever leaving the estate. They put him in an empty well to trawl for jewels and precious metals, and he never pulled out as much as before. Finally, after about 15 years of this grueling work and being sent from location to location to keep digging, The Matriarch gave him some liberties back and a new job.

Unfortunately, that first new job was a bank heist. The Matriarch wanted as much wealth as possible, and the bank within the inner city was the perfect spot. Gawain needed to only use his Earthbending to dig underneath the vault and open a hole in the floor. From there, other family members would pour in and loot the entire vault. The heist worked, but everyone knew of Gawain's family and their machinations. Problem was, there were no local authorities that weren't already bought out, and the governor was also accepting heavy bribes.

Along with more reputable businesses that were trying to carve out a niche, Gawain's family ran rackets on everyone, smuggled drugs and alcohol, and had a variety store that had some pretty good merchandise. He knew he needed to escape at some point, but his abilities made him an extremely valuable asset. It was then he realized that most of their connections were only in the city and other neighboring towns and villages. If he went far away, there would be no way that they could find him, right?

He tunneled out of his room that night and never looked back. He integrated himself into another village in the far southern mountains when he was around 160 years old, and began living there. He was perceived as normal, made some friends, but no one knew about his past nor his magic. Soon, after almost another 130 years he met Guinevere while searching for smooth stones. He'd never seen a human before and was immediately intrigued. They began to meet more often after that, and they exchanged lessons in their respective languages.

Alas, both Gawain and Guinevere's friends became curious as to where they slunk off to during the afternoon, and they were both caught. The hunters from The Caravan tried to attack Gawain, who defended himself with his Earthbending. His dragon friends saw this, and the pair were both separated and brought back to their homes. Each was promptly banished/fired and left to fend for themselves. Gawain and Guinevere reunited and decided to live at the top of the tallest mountain in the Spine Ridge Mountains, not far from Gawain's village or the Shiara Desert where Guinevere used to live.

They had a son, Sulaiman, and lived there until news of war with the wyverns reached them.

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Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Gawain

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Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Gawain

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