info Overview
Name - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s full name?

Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell

Age - How old is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell?

died in his early 40's

Gender - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell go by?

Lucifer, Lucy, Johnathan

Role - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s role in your story?

supporting character

face Looks
Skin Tone

a dark red

Body Type

tall, muscular build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?

a very bent up arm and a long scar across his face and neck

Weight - How much does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell weigh?

~140 pounds

Height - How tall is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell?

6' 1"

Hair Color - What color is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s hair?

candy red

Hair Style - How does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?


Eye Color - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s eye color?

the iris is red

Race - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s race?

he was human, but now he's considered more of a demon

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell?

he's really happy and nice, you wouldn't think that he'd be Lucifer, the devil. He kinda nags on people, and can get frustrated and bitter over small things, but he's working to better himself

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?

-Paces all the time
-Holds himself very well, never slouches
-Crosses his arms when lying
-Gets taller and his wings and hors grow when he's mad
-Never smiles with his teeth
-When excited he blinks and looks round a lot
-Always sits with his hands placed proper on his knees or folded in his lap

Motivations - What motivates Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell most?

His children, grandchildren, and the hope that he will find his wife in the afterlife

Flaws - What flaws does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?

-has anger issues
-If someone mentions his wife he is on board, no matter what
-Has a hard time listening to opinions that aren't his

Prejudices - What prejudices does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?

nothing. he always tries to be his best and have an open mind, which doesn't always work, and accept everyone

Talents - What talents does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?

Good at staying in pitch and can harmonize well

Hobbies - What hobbies does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s favorite color?

baby blue

Favorite food - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s favorite food?

chocolate croissants

Favorite possession - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s favorite possession?

a necklace his daughter made him. he was buried in it

Favorite weapon - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s favorite weapon?

psychological, messing with people's heads

Favorite animal - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s favorite animal?

sun bear

Job - What job does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?

he looks after the demons and reckless souls in the afterlife

Religion - What religion does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell practice?


Politics - What politics does Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell have?


Occupation - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s occupation?

he looks after the demons and reckless souls in the afterlife

info History
Birthday - When is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s birthday?

October 30th, 1923

Education - What is Edgar John "Harpy" Maxwell’s level of education?

He went all the way up into collage, becoming an engineer.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Often called Harpy because he sorta hovers and nags
-He's not really a ghost, so he's not fully a manifestation, it's more of he's a half manifestation/physical being

folder_open Other things
Mental State

he tries to be happy but can't always be happy because he is still looking for his wife in the afterlife and everything's falling apart




-red tie
-light red vest
-dark red button up
-Black dress pants
-black dress shoes

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This character was created by Joneathan on

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