account_circle Overview
Name - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s full name?

Ramira Melsi Sapenti

Gender - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ramira Melsi Sapenti go by?

Kirana knows her as Melsi

Role - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s hair?

She has dark blue-green hair that is straight and well kept.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ramira Melsi Sapenti have?

There is a large birthmark on the left side of her neck.

Body Type

Ramira is very slim and physically weak. She has narrow shoulders, weak arms, a small waist, and slender legs.

Skin Tone

She has fair skin with pink undertones.

Race - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s eye color?

Ramira has blue-green eyes to go along with her hair.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ramira Melsi Sapenti have?


Hair Style - How does Ramira Melsi Sapenti style their hair?

Her hair is waist-length, and she likes to keep it in a ponytail, but often wears it down.

Weight - How much does Ramira Melsi Sapenti weigh?

Ramira weighs 115 pounds.

Height - How tall is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ?

Standing at 5'1, Ramira is the average height for Caerulean women

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ?

Myer-Briggs: INFJ-T
Has a tendency to withdraw in conflicts

Mannerisms and Quirks

Meeting/Talking to People:
-She always lets out a nervous laugh before speaking.
-She never uses contractions.

Emotional Habits:
She's very expressive
-Nervous/Anxious: She will constantly fidget and shift her feet. She struggles to focus on a single task and is Prone to overthinking.
-Angry: She gets extremely quiet when she is angry and rarely ever expressed what she is angry about. (This irritates Kirana being that Brunnians are generally very [brutally] honest and are used to being told off and telling people off.)


Has water attributes?

Motivations - What motivates Ramira Melsi Sapenti most?

-Her longing for a genuine friendship
-Feeling as if she needs to become more self-reliant

Flaws - What flaws does Ramira Melsi Sapenti have?

Against violence: When there's a person who has the potential to destroy very powerful enemies doesn't like to fight... there's bound to be some problems.

Naive: Because of the way she was taught, Ramira has the belief that the world is a LOT more peaceful than it actually is. She doesn't think that there are some people who cause harm just because they can and that there are people who dislike others because they are different. To her, everything is pure and beautiful

Sensitive: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me? LIES! Mean words break through every one of Ramira's barriers and go straight to her heart. When it comes to criticism and degrading, she is an open target, letting even the smallest of things get to her.

Needs a purpose: Ramira can't do things unless there's a goal to be achieved. Doing something just to do it is something that she can't comprehend.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ramira Melsi Sapenti have?

Believes that everyone is the same. Physical differences mean nothing to her; in the end, we're all just skin and bone.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s favorite weapon?

She enjoys using the Crown of Enhancement because is does not necessarily look like a weapon

Favorite possession - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s favorite possession?

Her favorite possession is a bracelet given to her by Kirana to symbolize the beginning of their friendship.

Favorite food - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s favorite food?

She loves seafood, especially crab.

Favorite color - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s favorite color?

Ramira adores pastel pinks.

Occupation - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s occupation?

She is unemployed.

Religion - What religion does Ramira Melsi Sapenti practice?

Theist. Strongly believes in Monsa, mountain goddess.

info History
Education - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s level of education?

Due to her parents over-proteciveness, Ramira was home-schooled.

Background - What is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s background?

Raised as the daughter of a very influential family, Ramira has always been surrounded by wealth and nice things. Her parents wanted to shield her form the cruelty of the world. They gave her homeschooling so that she wouldn't be exposed to prejudices and bullying. They isolated her from her peers and only allowed her to befriend the staff, making sure they only told her of the good things of the world. This resulted in Ramira having naive beliefs of a peaceful world and to her feeling rather lonely without the acquaintance of someone her age.

Because she has only seen the people inside of her home, she has never seen anyone outside of her race. Her first time meeting Kirana causes a great sense of culture shock since Brunnian ways of life are extremely different to that of a Caerulean.

Birthday - When is Ramira Melsi Sapenti ’s birthday?

December 12

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ramira Melsi Sapenti have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Ramira's first impression of Kira is that she's mean and intimidating.. Plus, Kira is a lot stronger than her so this causes her to be preetty scared of Kira at first.

folder_open Personal
Marital Status


World View

Ramira is very optimistic. Everything is going to be fine. Things are hard now, but you will be rewarded greatly in the future.

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This character was created by K.B. on

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