info Overview
Name - What is Matthew O'Brien’s full name?

Matthew O'Brien

Age - How old is Matthew O'Brien?

early 20's

Gender - What is Matthew O'Brien’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Matthew O'Brien go by?


Role - What is Matthew O'Brien’s role in your story?

one of the main characters

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Matthew O'Brien have?

a good bit of stubble

Hair Style - How does Matthew O'Brien style their hair?

chopped off short, to the point that you can't do anything but let it stand up

Hair Color - What color is Matthew O'Brien’s hair?


Height - How tall is Matthew O'Brien?

5' 8"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Matthew O'Brien have?

a small scar on his shoulder, his left foot is twisted inwards

Weight - How much does Matthew O'Brien weigh?

130 lbs

Body Type

broad shoulders, light muscle mainly on his arms, kind of has curves

Skin Tone

light skinned

Race - What is Matthew O'Brien’s race?

human, Irish

Eye Color - What is Matthew O'Brien’s eye color?

light hazel

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Matthew O'Brien?

He's bright and happy on the outside, but won't open up at all. Usually is kind to children because they are the future and he doesn't want the future to hate Irish people.


has a limp

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Matthew O'Brien have?

-When excited or happy about something, he will talk extensively with his hands
-will sing quietly to self when angry
-Accent gets worse when he's thinking
-Almost always crosses his arms
-Speaks with his head cocked to the left when lying, but to the right when telling the truth

Motivations - What motivates Matthew O'Brien most?

-whatever stupid project he has his mind on
-his family
-fear of failure

Flaws - What flaws does Matthew O'Brien have?

-lies all the time
-goes off of his feelings too much
-not at all good with handiwork
-pushes people far away enough so that they won't be his friend, but not too far away that they won't like him

Prejudices - What prejudices does Matthew O'Brien have?

he's against almost anyone, because he's Irish and almost everyone is against him

Talents - What talents does Matthew O'Brien have?

-calming animals
-been able to play any instrument he can lay his hands on

Hobbies - What hobbies does Matthew O'Brien have?

-playing the flute he made
-any kind of gambling game

groups Social
Job - What job does Matthew O'Brien have?


Favorite animal - What is Matthew O'Brien’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Matthew O'Brien’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Matthew O'Brien’s favorite possession?

a small pocket watch from his uncle

Favorite food - What is Matthew O'Brien’s favorite food?

by now anything that isn't dried meat or hardtack, mostly good soft bread

Favorite color - What is Matthew O'Brien’s favorite color?

light blue like the sky

Occupation - What is Matthew O'Brien’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Matthew O'Brien have?


Religion - What religion does Matthew O'Brien practice?


info History
Education - What is Matthew O'Brien’s level of education?

He has a very limited education, he can read and write some but not a lot. He also knows sign language

Background - What is Matthew O'Brien’s background?

A few months after Matthew was born, his parents died in a horrible fire. His deaf uncle, a priest, took him in. He never really told Matthew what happened to his parents. Matthew always amused that his uncle was his real father. Because His uncle was a priest Matthew spent a lot of time at the church and it made a big impact on his life and always stuck with him. He was always quick at making friends and knew everyone when he was small. He got in a lot of trouble when he was little and never learned his lessons. As he got older he was still a problem. He never went after any girls and never showed interest in ever marrying. He spent all his time on focusing whatever stupid project he was working on. When he was finally told that his parents died in a fire and he had been lied to his entire childhood, he overreacted and planned a group to go across the Oregon Trail. Matthew figured that once he got to Oregon he would become a priest like his uncle and continue life there.

Birthday - When is Matthew O'Brien’s birthday?

October 18th, 1815

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Matthew O'Brien have?

none, but he would love to take care of pets

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other things

-loose full off-white shirt
-big black boater hat
-loose pants
-big heavy boots
-sometimes a big black suit jacket

Sexual and romantic orientation


Psych (their mind)

He is trying to cope with the fact he just found out he was lied too all his childhood, so he's not in the best mind for now

Nickname Origin

His uncle always said that Matthew was too long a name so he just always called him Matt.


This character was created by Suspicious Reptiles on

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