info Overview
Name - What is Louis Lelièvre’s full name?

Louis Lelièvre

Age - How old is Louis Lelièvre?


Gender - What is Louis Lelièvre’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Louis Lelièvre go by?

Used to be called Antoinette

Role - What is Louis Lelièvre’s role in your story?

main character

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Louis Lelièvre have?

a short curly beard

Hair Style - How does Louis Lelièvre style their hair?

curly and cut right below his ears, looks like he's never brushed it

Hair Color - What color is Louis Lelièvre’s hair?

dirty brown

Height - How tall is Louis Lelièvre?

5' 10"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Louis Lelièvre have?

his feet are really small, a burn mark on his left shoulder, and a scar above his eye from a play fight with his younger sister Marie

Weight - How much does Louis Lelièvre weigh?

140 lbs

Body Type

rectangular shape, small shoulders, stocky arms and legs, oval face, big ears

Skin Tone


Race - What is Louis Lelièvre’s race?


Eye Color - What is Louis Lelièvre’s eye color?

deep brown

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Louis Lelièvre?

he is happy and kinda dumb as rocks, wants to always do what's right. But is still able to work up the courage to kill someone


-low IQ
-learning disability

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Louis Lelièvre have?

-voice lowers when lying
-extensively uses his hands when angry
-tries to get smaller when nervous
-tilts his head to the left when happy, but to the right when sad
-always has to be moving, can't sit still

Motivations - What motivates Louis Lelièvre most?

making his wife proud, keeping the wolf a secret

Flaws - What flaws does Louis Lelièvre have?

not that smart, doesn't have much common sense, can be blunt and naive

Prejudices - What prejudices does Louis Lelièvre have?

any stranger that isn't from his village

Talents - What talents does Louis Lelièvre have?

good with animals, good hunter, green thumb

Hobbies - What hobbies does Louis Lelièvre have?

small woodworking projects

groups Social
Job - What job does Louis Lelièvre have?

sometimes sells some of his crops at a local market

Favorite animal - What is Louis Lelièvre’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Louis Lelièvre’s favorite weapon?

the small knife his father in law gave him on his wedding

Favorite possession - What is Louis Lelièvre’s favorite possession?

any bouquet of flowers his wife gives him

Favorite food - What is Louis Lelièvre’s favorite food?

slow cooked roasted pig with a bit of butter

Favorite color - What is Louis Lelièvre’s favorite color?

sky blue

Occupation - What is Louis Lelièvre’s occupation?

he owns a small farm that's doing well

Politics - What politics does Louis Lelièvre have?

is currently fine with the monarchy

Religion - What religion does Louis Lelièvre practice?


info History
Education - What is Louis Lelièvre’s level of education?

he never went to school. Louis and his siblings were taught everything by their mother

Background - What is Louis Lelièvre’s background?

He grew up in a large farm family of twelve. He had a normal childhood for the time and was very social, making sure he always knew his neighbors and being good at making friends. Louis moved closer to central France when he got married at the age of 19 in 1751. He and his wife have been together for a few years now and are still in love. They don't have a family yet, and this puts him on edge. Louis thinks everyone is judging them for not having children yet but they are trying. Our story starts off when he is 23 in 1754.

Birthday - When is Louis Lelièvre’s birthday?

Some time in August of 1731

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Louis Lelièvre have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

-he considers the wolf more like his child than a pet because he doesn't have any children and wants to be a father
-he calls the wolf Jean after his little (and most favorite) brother
-he kinda has hots for the butcher (it's like a one sided crush)
-He keeps the wolf hidden because everyone in the village is afraid of wolves, including his wife

folder_open Other things

-big loose white poet shirt
-short brown pants
-brown cloth shoes
-Usually keeps a few flowers in like his shirt button holes or in his hair

Sexual and romantic orientation


Psych (their mind)

pretty good, nothing really wrong until the end where he learns the wolf has been 'lying' to him

Nickname Origin

His mother used to called him Antoinette because she always wanted a girl and he was the last one born and he always had older brothers

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