info Overview
Name - What is Alice Liddel’s full name?

Alice Liddel

Age - How old is Alice Liddel?


Gender - What is Alice Liddel’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Alice Liddel go by?


Role - What is Alice Liddel’s role in your story?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Alice Liddel’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alice Liddel have?


Hair Style - How does Alice Liddel style their hair?

Shoulder length hair, straight

Hair Color - What color is Alice Liddel’s hair?


Height - How tall is Alice Liddel?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alice Liddel have?


Weight - How much does Alice Liddel weigh?

About 100 lbs

Body Type

Thin, smol

Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Alice Liddel’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Alice Liddel have?

Doesn't want/like growing up

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alice Liddel have?

Reserved and lady-like, but this changes as time goes on. As her mental health declines, she becomes less reasonable and more demanding.

Loves to read, especially books with beautiful artwork. The wonderland palace library is fantastic!
Likes art, but like.... nice art. Like classics. Or weird modern art. But she has mixed feelings about the weird drawings/paintings given her by the Treacle Three

Motivations - What motivates Alice Liddel most?

Wants to stay a child/young forever
Please others, those whom she respects

Flaws - What flaws does Alice Liddel have?

Too trusting/gullible
But when her mind is made up, she's stubborn. Sometimes this serves her well, but not often.

EG when she's ignorant, but set in her ways

Talents - What talents does Alice Liddel have?

Embroidery/sewing, painting, has an eye for decoration

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alice Liddel have?


Personality type - What personality type is Alice Liddel?


groups Social
Favorite food - What is Alice Liddel’s favorite food?



Peter Pan is like Alice's older brother

Favorite animal - What is Alice Liddel’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Alice Liddel’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Alice Liddel’s favorite possession?

A stone Peter brought her from Neverland- she has it in a drawer usually, but has taken to carrying it around in her pocket, afraid she'll accidentally leave it behind.
Jacob sets the pebble into a simple wire ring for her.

Favorite color - What is Alice Liddel’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Alice Liddel’s occupation?

Rebel-child turned Queen

Politics - What politics does Alice Liddel have?


Religion - What religion does Alice Liddel practice?


info History
Education - What is Alice Liddel’s level of education?

Can read, write, speak French, sew, lots of decorum lessons (handy if you're elected queen as a young teen)

Background - What is Alice Liddel’s background?

Adventures in WL

(everything after this line, for her background, could TOTALLY be used as NaNo stuff if you're in a bind)

Alice grew up in Victorian London, it was just a normal upper/upper-middle class childhood. You know, dolls, dresses, the like. However, she didn't like reading. What's the point of a book with no pictures in it? There's nothing to stimulate the imagination. So she fell in love with a world that she thought she imagined completely. However, she didn't actually imagine it all. Yes, her imagination contributed to it, but Wonderland is a conglomeration of dreams and ideas from every being's imagination. (Lost dreams/thoughts went to making Neverland). Because she's one of the few who have found a way to cross realms, WL is especially tailored to her right now.
She doesn't always grasp that everyone is real, and that her actions have consequences (WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE *CONSEQUENCES). She's young, so she doesn't quite grasp that actions have a ripple effect.
She's not an only child, but her older sister is much older (like ten years), so she's used to playing alone. She is friendly and talks a lot, but she
Peter Pan used to come and visit her, which helped her believe in impossible things to begin with. He visited her when she was 5 and 6, but by the time she was 6.5, he stopped visiting, and he slowly faded from her memory.
She went to Wonderland for the first time when she was 7 years old (actually, on her birthday!). You know... the actual books. And then through the Looking glass when she was 7, but six months later. Now, six years later, she's returned to Wonderland. She fell through a rabbit hole, though this time it was a bit of a tight squeeze. Maybe she caught her foot, and then when she tried to pull it out, she sat down and slipped down down down. She fell right into the Mad Tea Party, where Ander caught her up on what's going on. *

Alice is flawed. She's stubborn and doesn't always listen. She prefers to do things her own way, but isn't always driven to solve problems. If she doesn't care about the problem, or if it's just too hard, she'll give up and get other people to do it.
She has her strengths though. She's clever, believes in justice, and is kind/compassionate. She doesn't ever want to hurt anyone. The one line she won't cross is seriously harming someone.
Some tics she has include fiddling with her pebble (later turns into a ring), wringing the end of her apron when she's nervous, and losing interest (visibly). She'll fidget and look around, looking for a way out of the conversation. She's working on it though, she doesn't want everyone to think she's rude.
She loves cats, especially Dinah, SO MUCH. In her free time, she likes to read (but only well illustrated books, or the nice holographic ones Wonderland has), draw/paint, or sew/embroider.

More than anything in the world, she wants to stay young forever. She thinks it will make her happy. She doesn't want to lose her memory, to have her skin wrinkle and sag, and to lose her eyesight.
In order to prevent her from getting that, I can increase the resistance as time goes on. I NEED TO WRITE MORE VITALITY DRAINING SCENES Jackson finds out the effects first, but doesn't tell Alice because he's waiting to reveal her as a terrible queen (probably at the ending ball of the Constitution). Ander isn't really trying on the tea, so he's not really progressing. He cares more about making a tea to heal a broken heart, which he thinks is more important and will actually help more people, not just the desire of a teen throwing a tantrum. Besides, maybe Alice's heart is actually broken (?) and this will help her. Giving in isn't always the right thing. Plus, Jacob doesn't actually care about helping Alice stay young. He plans on killing her anyways.

Birthday - When is Alice Liddel’s birthday?

4 May

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Alice Liddel have?

Dinah, a cat

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

How does Alice react when faced with death?

She cannot comprehend it. She is too young, too full of life and wanting to live and to be young forever. She recognizes danger, yes, but she can't fathom the idea of just... no longer existing.

What would Alice want to know from Avidissumscienta?

She wants to know how to stay young forever, obviously.
But she also wants to know (but doesn't realize she wants it) why she feels so alone (FUN FACT IT'S BC SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FAMILY HAHAHHHAHHAHAH cries)
As she tries to drink the water, she gets answers to neither question, and has to decide which one she wants more (maybe Treacle Three give her a drawing of a mom? Her mom?)

What would completely break her?
Realizing that she's hurt so many people.
- At what point does she find this out? Oh yeah, when Peter Pan tells her, because Jackson never got the chance.

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This character was created by Katherine on

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