info Overview
Name - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s full name?

Elizabeth Danvers

Gender - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Elizabeth Danvers go by?

Beth; Danvers

Role - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s role in your story?

Main character

Age - How old is Elizabeth Danvers?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Elizabeth Danvers weigh?


Height - How tall is Elizabeth Danvers?


Body Type

Elizabeth has small but noticeable curves. Basically a slim hourglass figure. She has bony wrist and slim fingers.

Skin Tone

Light tan

Race - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s race?


Eye Color - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s eye color?

Hazel (can change from green to brown)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elizabeth Danvers have?


Hair Style - How does Elizabeth Danvers style their hair?

~long uncut hair that reaches her upper tailbone. She doesn't cut her hair because she likes the way it looks uncut. Elizabeth usually wears her hair in a messy bun on busy days but loves to wear it in a thick head band to school and at home.

Hair Color - What color is Elizabeth Danvers’s hair?

Dark Brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elizabeth Danvers have?

~Scar in eyebrow
~freckles on nose
~ bitten nails

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Elizabeth Danvers have?

~Gaming with her aunt
~She can write the most beautiful poetry
~She is one of the the photographers at Brookside Highschool

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elizabeth Danvers have?

~nail biter
~scratches thumb nail on inner wrist when nervous or anxious
~ covers mouth with hand when she's reading a text
~always keeps a hair tie on her wrist

~Angry: clenched fists, grits teeth, pop knuckles
~Sadness: shuts people out; doesn't talk to people;
~Fear: scratches wrist with thumb, wide eyes
~Nervousness: fidgets, blushes, bites nails
~Excited: clasps hands together; bites bottom lip;

Motivations - What motivates Elizabeth Danvers most?

Elizabeth is a teenager trying to make good grades so she can get into a good college. She is trying to save up money to her aunt pay the bills and keep their house. At the same time she's trying to just be a teenager and live.

guys what do you think? is it okay? I really need help with this character

Flaws - What flaws does Elizabeth Danvers have?

~ always sees the good, never sees the bad in people (which can be bad at times)
~can be overdramatic at times
~overthinks things

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elizabeth Danvers have?

Elizabeth has never liked popular or rich girls. She's never liked people who thought they were better than everybody.

Talents - What talents does Elizabeth Danvers have?

~very skilled pianist
~can write poetry

Personality type - What personality type is Elizabeth Danvers?

Campaigner; dreamer; wild child; do her own thing

Elizabeth is her own person. She is fun-loving person once you get to know her. She would quite literally do anything for her friends. She always tries to find to good thing in everything. She is shy and anxious in big crowds. Elizabeth gets anxious around people she doesn't really know, or talk to, but she is the funnest person to be around when she's with her group of friends (Alec, Quinn, and Lydia). She's one of those people that would dance in the rain with you. She doesn't have the guts to stand up for herself because she doesn't want to cause fights, but when it comes to someone hurting her friends, she's the pettiest person ever. She loves the little things and will find the beauty in almost anything.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s favorite color?

Dark Blue/ Purple

Favorite animal - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s favorite weapon?

She has a pair of brass knuckles her dad gave her before he died hidden in the glovebox in her car (will be used later in the story)

Favorite possession - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s favorite possession?

Picture Gallery

Favorite food - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s favorite food?

Brookside's Diner Cheese Fries

Occupation - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s occupation?

Part time at the local petshop

Religion - What religion does Elizabeth Danvers practice?

Christian; Pentecostal Apostolic

info History
Birthday - When is Elizabeth Danvers’s birthday?

September 13

Background - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s background?

~mother and father died in a plane crash on their way to visit relatives when she was 11
~raised by her aunt, which is basically like her best friend
~been best friends with Lydia since kindergarten, Alec and Quinn since middle school
~grown up in Brookside her entire life

Education - What is Elizabeth Danvers’s level of education?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Elizabeth Danvers have?

Puppy named Lee

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
wc Clothes
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This character was created by Maddie on

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