info Overview
Name - What is Cypher Reece’s full name?

Cypher Reece

Gender - What is Cypher Reece’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Cypher Reece go by?


Role - What is Cypher Reece’s role in your story?

Cypher is a main character

Age - How old is Cypher Reece?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Cypher Reece?


Hair Color - What color is Cypher Reece’s hair?

Dark brown hair with natural lighter brown streaks here and there. He has a silver, almost white, dyed stripe in his hair. This was as an act of rebellion against his father.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cypher Reece have?

Cypher has a small tattoo of a Lynx's Paw print on his shoulder and a small flame with 3 small diamonds on his arm. The flame was a way to remember his sister

Body Type

Cypher has broad shoulders. He is strong but his body doesn't have many defined muscles, only having a "well-constructed" chest

Skin Tone

Cypher has tan skin with darker undertones, his great grandparents were born and raised near the equator so his family has darker skin. (Think the northern parts of Brazil or mexico)

Race - What is Cypher Reece’s race?


Eye Color - What is Cypher Reece’s eye color?

Light brown eyes with a light grey ring around the iris. Sometimes it seems as though his eyes change shades but it's never been proven.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cypher Reece have?

light stubble, he doesn't like having a beard so he shaves very often

Hair Style - How does Cypher Reece style their hair?

Short and spiky when he wants to style it but it is normally messy

Weight - How much does Cypher Reece weigh?

70 Kgs

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Cypher Reece have?

Good at hand-to-hand combat, comedy, sword fighting


PTSD after the death of Zoria (nts: aka Zhavia), ADHD

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cypher Reece have?

Cypher tries to be kind to everyone, although because of his ADHD, he comes off as slightly aggressive. Comedy and making people laugh is something he enjoys. sometimes people don't take him seriously because of the amount of puns and jokes he makes in many situations. He is funny and likes to make people laugh, people tend to not take him seriously because of this. Cypher often breaks the rules but whether its accidental or on purpose, he hasn't told anyone.

Motivations - What motivates Cypher Reece most?

Cypher always wanted to leave his Father's business but didn't know how to. After his life was spared by Zoria, he gained the courage to kill his father and be free of his tyrannical ways. He ran his father's shop, making his own changes and supporting Zoria. he loved her very much so when she was killed, he vowed revenge on the man that killed her.

Flaws - What flaws does Cypher Reece have?

Cypher doesn't like to see people, especially those he cares about, get hurt. he would rather put himself in danger/sacrifice himself in order to protect his loved ones. Sometimes what he deems as being caring may be seen as overprotective or controlling to others.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cypher Reece have?

Cypher doesn't like businessmen. He doesn't like the fact that many cheat their clients or care only about the money and not the way they get it. He also doesn't like large black dogs It's simply an irrational fear but he won't trust you or do business with you if you have one

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cypher Reece have?

Gardening, hiking, sparring

Personality type - What personality type is Cypher Reece?

Cypher is a very compassionate person. He cares a lot about people in whom he can place his trust. Although he likes to joke/fool around, he is fairly serious when it comes to his work. Prefers to see both sides of an argument and see things from different perspectives in order to understand stressful situations a little better. He has his moments of weakness though. He rather sacrifice himself than have others be hurt.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Cypher Reece’s favorite food?

Cypher loves to eat healthy food. Anything that comes from his garden or the nearby market.

Favorite animal - What is Cypher Reece’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Cypher Reece’s favorite weapon?

Swords. He prefers short swords but is very skilled with long swords as well

Favorite possession - What is Cypher Reece’s favorite possession?

Patriot, Zoria's Wolfdog.

Favorite color - What is Cypher Reece’s favorite color?

Dark green and Deep sea blue

Occupation - What is Cypher Reece’s occupation?

Cypher is the owner of his father's weapons shop and is also an assassin who is skilled in strategy

Politics - What politics does Cypher Reece have?


Religion - What religion does Cypher Reece practice?


Job - What job does Cypher Reece have?

Cypher is a skilled strategist

info History
Education - What is Cypher Reece’s level of education?

No formal education but is a skilled blacksmiths apprentice

Background - What is Cypher Reece’s background?

Cypher grew up with an older sister and two parents. At the age of 12, his 20 year old sister Myth died in a fire accident. Shortly after, his mother left his father for a much younger man. Since that age, his father became very controlling of his life. Cypher woke up early in he morning, right after the sun fully rose, and went hiking in the forest, training his body to take his Fathers harsh treatment. Around midday, he alternated between working his garden and helping his father in the shop. The shop closed in the evening, just as the sun began to set and Cypher would help close up then rush home to begin the evening meal for the two of them. Near the age of 20, Cypher met Zoria, a traveller who stayed at his house until her work in the village was complete. Cypher and Zoria became fairly close, becoming friends and shortly after, lovers. Not long after they confessed to each other, Zoria told him that his Father had payed her boss a good amount to get rid of him. Cypher flew into a rage but wanted to confront his father but listened to Zoria's advice and built up a whole strong base. Soon, Zoria pretended that her work was complete and left the village, going to an abandonde house deep into the forest. Cypher confronted his father and upon hearing his confession, killed him, giving him a swift, painless death. Cypher followed Zoria to where she was and learned about her boss and her teammates.

Birthday - When is Cypher Reece’s birthday?

About April 25, 2145

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cypher Reece have?

Patriot, Zoria's wolfdog

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Rhya on

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