info Overview
Name - What is Charmaine Duschant’s full name?

Charmaine Duschant

Age - How old is Charmaine Duschant?

Unknown (appears around early/mid twenties)

Gender - What is Charmaine Duschant’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Charmaine Duschant go by?


Role - What is Charmaine Duschant’s role in your story?


face Looks
Skin Tone


Hair Color - What color is Charmaine Duschant’s hair?

Dark Brown

Hair Style - How does Charmaine Duschant style their hair?

Side Shave, has ethnic hair of Indian variety

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Charmaine Duschant have?


Eye Color - What is Charmaine Duschant’s eye color?

One Gray eye, the other is a blueish-white shining orb-eye (? haha)

Race - What is Charmaine Duschant’s race?

Halois/Unknown Hybrid

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Charmaine Duschant have?

Has two wings on the sides of her face, starting at the outer edge of her eyebrows, extending past her ears, where they lay flat against her head , usually

Weight - How much does Charmaine Duschant weigh?


Height - How tall is Charmaine Duschant?


fingerprint Nature
groups Social
info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by M.C. Kapo on

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