info Overview
Name - What is Amore Moretti’s full name?

Amore Moretti

Gender - What is Amore Moretti’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Amore Moretti go by?


Age - How old is Amore Moretti?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Amore Moretti’s eye color?

He has Heterochromia, so:

Right Eye: Blue

Left Eye: Brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amore Moretti have?


Hair Style - How does Amore Moretti style their hair?

High Fade

Hair Color - What color is Amore Moretti’s hair?


Height - How tall is Amore Moretti?


Weight - How much does Amore Moretti weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amore Moretti have?

A small tattoo on his inner left arm, as well as Heterochromia.

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Skin Tone

Tan-ish skin.

Race - What is Amore Moretti’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Amore Moretti have?

He has always been in love with music, so, he practiced everyday since he was little with his old acoustic guitar his older sister Chiara gave to him, and his voice, hoping he'd be as good as his favorite artist

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amore Moretti have?

Amore can be very shy, and often hums to himself. When he is nervous, (most of the time while they are in the middle of a conversation) he will bite his lip, and constantly play with his glasses.

Motivations - What motivates Amore Moretti most?

Music! They are motivated mostly by music because it has always been a big part of their life. It helps them cope with everything.

Flaws - What flaws does Amore Moretti have?


He is made anxious when he is in a group of people, which is why he likes to just be by himself.

Because of his anxiety he is very sensitive to loud and sudden noises. He will often begin to


Hobbies - What hobbies does Amore Moretti have?

Amore has always been in love with space, and what could be beyond the solar system, so he often studies the stars and other things related to Astronomy.

Personality type - What personality type is Amore Moretti?

He has a small personality, he doesn't like attention, and much rather keep to himself. Amore is a day dreamer, and his head is always stuck in the clouds. He is super affectionate-to his golden retriever Coda- but affectionate nonetheless. He is super hesitant to try and talk to people, but he does try his best.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Amore Moretti’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Amore Moretti’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Amore Moretti’s favorite possession?

His acoustic guitar, given to him as a gift on his fifth birthday by his older sister Chiara.

Favorite color - What is Amore Moretti’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Amore Moretti’s occupation?

Student and Musician

Politics - What politics does Amore Moretti have?


Religion - What religion does Amore Moretti practice?


info History
Education - What is Amore Moretti’s level of education?

He is currently in High School.

His best subjects include:

  • Music

  • Science

  • English

His Worst Subjects Include:

  • P.E.

  • Math

  • History

Background - What is Amore Moretti’s background?

He comes from a large Italian family! He has a mother, and an older sister named Chiara as well as his Nonna. He was born and raised in Italy, which means he speaks Italian, but he does know English as well.

His father left his mother before she knew she was pregnant with him. He had been cheating since his sister was born.

His mother had left their old home, unable to pay, and moved in with her mother, later giving birth to Amore, who was born on Valentines Day.

(His name is literally Love in Italian, what did you expect his name to be?)

Around the time he turned 18 and graduated High school, he traveled to the US where he went to college in California, and met his-now boyfriends- Hunter and Cai.

Birthday - When is Amore Moretti’s birthday?

February 14 (Year TBD)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Amore Moretti have?

He has a Golden Retriever named Coda.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

"I Built a world around you.

You had me in a dream,

I lived in every word you said.

The stars, had aligned,

I thought that I found you,

and I don't wanna love somebody else.

We left it all unspoken.

We buried it alive, and now it's screaming in my head.

I shouldn't go on hoping,

that you will change your mind,

and one day we could start again.

Well I, don't care if only this kills me,

I don't wanna love somebody else.

I thought that I could change you.

I thought that we would be the greatest story that I tell.

I know, that it's time to tell you it's over.

But I don't wanna love somebody else."

A Great Big World - I Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else

This character was inspired by this song.

Amore took and a half hours to create.

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This character was created by Connor on

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