info Overview
Name - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s full name?

Crowdan Wise Alistair

Role - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s role in your story?

Main Protagonist

Other names - What other aliases does Crowdan Wise Alistair go by?

"Alice", "Joker", "Fool"

Age - How old is Crowdan Wise Alistair?


Gender - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s gender?


Card Suit


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s eye color?


Race - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s race?

Half-Angel, Half-???

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Crowdan Wise Alistair have?

Extensive combat knowledge.
Excellent survival skills.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Crowdan Wise Alistair have?

Traveling, various types of training, Reading, Botany

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Crowdan Wise Alistair have?

Reserved, Mannerly, Self-conscious, Questionable

Motivations - What motivates Crowdan Wise Alistair most?

To explore the world and help Rain find her sister.

Flaws - What flaws does Crowdan Wise Alistair have?

Low self-confidence.
Too hesitant to injure enemies, even if it'd save his life.
Fear of failure.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Crowdan Wise Alistair have?

Because of his upbringing, he has zero tolerance for bandits and thievery. [However, he can't bring himself to execute anyone.]

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s favorite color?

Golden Sand

Favorite food - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s favorite food?

Those red, spiky fruits from his home country.

Favorite possession - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s favorite possession?

A necklace his mother gave him as a farewell gift.

Favorite weapon - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s favorite weapon?

At first, a stiletto dagger for self-defense and threatening. Later, a sword given to him by Queen Arabella that is better for defending himself and Rain.

Favorite animal - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s favorite animal?

A small, griffin-like creature from his home country.

Occupation - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s occupation?

Prince, Traveler

info History
Background - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s background?

A prince born in a relatively poor country in the desert. His mother used to be a traveler, so he wants to be able to do the same.
Unfortunately, due to how he was born, his magic is very underdeveloped and his angelic wings are as well. His halo has not appeared in the slightest yet.
Before the story begins, he had just went through a breakup and is still recovering from the heartbreak he suffered.

Education - What is Crowdan Wise Alistair’s level of education?


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history Changelog
edit Notes

Crowdan is one of very few people that have an immunity to Chisakura's magic.

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