info Overview
Name - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s full name?

Amanda Kya Landau

Gender - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Amanda Kya Landau go by?

A, Ace, Agent, Agent Casanova, Squeaks, Kiddo

Role - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Amanda Kya Landau?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Amanda Kya Landau’s hair?

Blond with natural Brown highlights

Height - How tall is Amanda Kya Landau?


Weight - How much does Amanda Kya Landau weigh?

120-140 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amanda Kya Landau have?

four small slash looking scars on the bottom of her right calf. She also has small scars running up her arms and legs from falling out of trees. There is a slim scar running from the right end of her jawbone to almost to her chin.

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s race?


Eye Color - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s eye color?

Blue grayish

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amanda Kya Landau have?


Hair Style - How does Amanda Kya Landau style their hair?

Braids in shapes of runes, braids, ponytails, and buns. mainly ponytails though. Naturally wavy hair.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Amanda Kya Landau have?

Against anyone from Camp Lost and racists


Has occasional anxiety and depression. Is unstable at times.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amanda Kya Landau have?

Polite to adults she has a habit of playing with jewelry when nervous and stuttering. She always has her daggers strapped to her upper arms. Plays with hair and fingers when thinking.

Motivations - What motivates Amanda Kya Landau most?

Fear, love, and hate. Fear of losing the ones she loves. Love motivates her to protect. Hate lets her protect without remorse.

Flaws - What flaws does Amanda Kya Landau have?

She has extreme hate toward racists and rude people. She doesn't see her sometimes destructive tendencies. She is very guarded, but when she does let someone in, it is for life.

Talents - What talents does Amanda Kya Landau have?

She is bilingual, plays guitar, ukulele, and piano (not very well). Under most circumstances, she can match wits and steel with anyone in the room. She can also speak to the narrator, break the fourth wall, and stop time. She has a knack for strategizing silent operations and finding loopholes in rules so she can break them.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Amanda Kya Landau have?

Softball, basketball, reading, writing, making music, and sparring with her friends

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s favorite color?

Blue, all the way around.

Favorite animal - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s favorite animal?

Brown Bears

Favorite weapon - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s favorite weapon?

Her daggers, but one would do

Favorite possession - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s favorite possession?

Her two daggers and the leather jacket her mom gave her.

Favorite food - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s favorite food?

are we talking dessert? Cause then it would have to be either eclair dessert or her mom's cookies. If we're talking anything else, tamales.

Occupation - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s occupation?

part-time student, part-time villain

Politics - What politics does Amanda Kya Landau have?

Whoever won't get her killed

Religion - What religion does Amanda Kya Landau practice?

Island Pagan, worships Kyagura and Aeminus

Job - What job does Amanda Kya Landau have?

works as a babysitter and leader of the Land's Army

info History
Birthday - When is Amanda Kya Landau’s birthday?

November 13th

Background - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s background?

She was kidnapped and struck by lightning in 7th grade thanks to Milo Alavarez. She then joined Camp Lost, but held a rebellion there. She then joined Dee Lands in conquering the neighboring islands near Stora.

Education - What is Amanda Kya Landau’s level of education?

7-12th grade education in the books. Got a bachelor's in biology and magical engineering

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Amanda Kya Landau have?

A small and very colorful teacup dragon named Quasar
Also, do siblings count?

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Aubree on

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