person_pin Overview
Name - What is Gytha Amarok’s full name?

Gytha Amarok

Age - How old is Gytha Amarok?

about 13 or 14, not specified

Gender - What is Gytha Amarok’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Gytha Amarok go by?

Amaryllis Rastacia

Role - What is Gytha Amarok’s role in your story?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Gytha Amarok style their hair?

down to her waist, always wears it plaited

Hair Color - What color is Gytha Amarok’s hair?

auburn brown

Height - How tall is Gytha Amarok?

4' 11"

Weight - How much does Gytha Amarok weigh?

about 90 lbs

Body Type

thin, narrow-boned, short limbs, heart-shaped face

Skin Tone

light tan

Eye Color - What is Gytha Amarok’s eye color?

marble gray

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Gytha Amarok have?


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gytha Amarok have?

tends to not listen when people are talking

Motivations - What motivates Gytha Amarok most?

trying to fit in as a fighter, later on trying to protect the school that is turning her life around and giving her hope

Flaws - What flaws does Gytha Amarok have?

naive, too trusting, little self control when angry

Prejudices - What prejudices does Gytha Amarok have?

healing, family

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Gytha Amarok’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Gytha Amarok’s favorite weapon?

Dragon Blade

Occupation - What is Gytha Amarok’s occupation?


book History
Birthday - When is Gytha Amarok’s birthday?


Background - What is Gytha Amarok’s background?

She was an herbalist, but aspires to be a warrior

Education - What is Gytha Amarok’s level of education?

good for where she comes from- about average in terms of the kingdom

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

When she arrives at Clash Academy, a few events happen right off the bat that ends up with her having to pretend to be a 4th year. She is only the age of a 3rd year, and because it was her 1st season ever of being a warrior, they were putting her back to 2nd year...originally. She has to try not only to keep up the act and fit in, but solve the growing mystery of a certain group that's set up on campus.

accessibility Public Appearance

This character was created by Feathered Tadpole on

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