info Overview
Name - What is Harry Brighton’s full name?

Harry Brighton

Gender - What is Harry Brighton’s gender?


Role - What is Harry Brighton’s role in your story?

supporting character

Age - How old is Harry Brighton?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Harry Brighton’s hair?

very dark brown, almost black

Body Type

solid, but not necessarily toned

Skin Tone


Race - What is Harry Brighton’s race?


Eye Color - What is Harry Brighton’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Harry Brighton have?

perpetual stubble

Hair Style - How does Harry Brighton style their hair?

medium-short (not past his ears), a bit wavy

Weight - How much does Harry Brighton weigh?


Height - How tall is Harry Brighton?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Harry Brighton have?

can be extremely persuasive (although never manipulative)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Harry Brighton have?

tends to tug on his shirt-collar or cuffs when he’s nervous or anxious; rolls cigarettes in the evening to relax; workaholic;

Motivations - What motivates Harry Brighton most?

wants to debunk the Belleview family, mainly because his superiors gave him the case but also because he’s subconsciously afraid of what real paranormal activity could mean

Flaws - What flaws does Harry Brighton have?

has a bad habit of chain smoking

Prejudices - What prejudices does Harry Brighton have?

does not like politicians in any shape or form; sees them as conniving and selfish

Personality type - What personality type is Harry Brighton?

subdued extrovert; confident; charming; a little too naive for his own good; soft hearted and forgiving; classic Victorian gentleman; pacifist

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Harry Brighton’s favorite color?

deep forest green

Favorite food - What is Harry Brighton’s favorite food?

cinnamon buns

Occupation - What is Harry Brighton’s occupation?

public investigator

Politics - What politics does Harry Brighton have?

identifies as a Conservative-Liberalist but doesn't like politics and tries to avoid them

Religion - What religion does Harry Brighton practice?

raised Christian; holds those beliefs, but is by no means a poster-child for Christianity

info History
Birthday - When is Harry Brighton’s birthday?

July 20th 1864

Education - What is Harry Brighton’s level of education?

College degree

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Shelby on

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