info Overview
Name - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s full name?

Ashanti Vatusia Wilson

Role - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson?


Gender - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson go by?

Mama (by all of her children),

face Looks
Skin Tone

Black (Kenyan)

Race - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

large scar on side of her head, near the back, large scar on side of forearm

Body Type

Very thin, slightly bony, toned

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

Often flinches at the sound of knocking,

Motivations - What motivates Ashanti Vatusia Wilson most?

Protecting the people she loves, making sure her family are healthy and never go hungry, her childhood in Kenya, never losing a child again

Flaws - What flaws does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

doesn't trust others easily, overly protective of her children, can get easily angered and emotional about tv characters

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

hates violent people, especially around her children and her husband

Talents - What talents does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

Can scare any person with only her eyes and voice, a great Mother, will always survive

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

Likes to watch TV, run, ride a bike, gardening and growing food, caring for her pets

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s favorite possession?

A lock of her first child's hair

Favorite color - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s birthday?

4th June

Background - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s background?

Ashanti was born in a small, poor but close village, where men often came attacking the village. The group was only small, consisting of a few members, however they always took what they wanted. Many had died trying to stop them, but when Ashanti turned twelve, she was tired of their attacks. She was an orphan because of them, and she was done with it. She took a machete from her uncle's house, and killed one of the men. For years, she would stand at the main entrance to the village, holding her machete to protect the people she loved. She fell in love at fourteen, falling pregnant very young and having her first child, Absko. She was very weak after the birth, and within a month, the men returned with their machetes.
In fear of losing her child, she ran with her lover, into the forests. They travelled to the nearest city, but on the way the men found them. She hid behind a bush while they brutally murdered them both. She carried her dead baby the rest of the way. Tourists living nearby found her, a couple of weeks helping her, and burying her baby, they decided to help her and teach her English.
When she was 18, the couple invited her to England. She gratefully accepted. She almost instantly met David and fell in love again. It broke her heart, but she promised to keep him safe.
At 19, she had her first child with David, Mia. A very loud and angry little baby, but she quickly grew into a very kind and loving child. To support the family, David joined the army. Ashanti was very upset about this, however David talked her into letting him. At 31, she had Hiari. Unlike Mia, Hiari was very quiet and took a lot longer to recognise her from David. She quickly realised something was wrong, and Hiari was given glasses at a very young age thanks to her. At 39, she had her second son, and first with David, Natori. A loud but happy little boy. Because of this, and their age, David decided to leave the army and get a job at home. Only a few months after, the family decided to go on Holiday to Cornwall. David was supposed to meet them there, however the machines came in the midst and so she is waiting in the Land's End Hotel for him.

Education - What is Ashanti Vatusia Wilson’s level of education?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ashanti Vatusia Wilson have?

Koi, Rabbits

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Pet/s
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