info Overview
Name - What is Kuru’s full name?


Age - How old is Kuru?


Gender - What is Kuru’s gender?


Role - What is Kuru’s role in your story?

Secondary character. Blaire bff and usual travel companion

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Kuru’s eye color?

Emerald green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kuru have?

Sometimes dons a bright green handlebar mustache

Hair Style - How does Kuru style their hair?

Pixie cut

Hair Color - What color is Kuru’s hair?

Naturally black, tips dyed blue

Height - How tall is Kuru?

164 cm

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kuru have?

Most marks are typical of her race, though she has a henna style tattoo on her left hand. Probably the most identifying feature on her are her horns, courtesy of her demonic parent. Though not necessarily an identifying mark, she ALWAYS has black nail polish on her fingers and toes.

Body Type

Fairly average, she is rather fit due to her traveling. In recent decades, she's somewhat lost her form, but only barely. Whether out of conscious effort, or out of ingrained habit, even when she isn't traveling, she more often than not goes everywhere by foot. Though she does have a car that she uses a lot.

Weight - How much does Kuru weigh?

It's not polite to ask a woman her weight. Unless you want her to crush you.

Skin Tone

Fairly tanned due to both where she lives and her constant traveling

Race - What is Kuru’s race?

Kuru is a Cambion. That is, she is half Succubi, and half Nekomata, though somewhere down the line on her mother's side she has some Kitsune blood in her. her most identifying features are her small horns, wings, and demonic tail, with her longer canine teeth being easily hidden by virtue of her mouth. Also, because of her magical abilities, she can hide all but her horns from the average onlooker.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Kuru have?

She is a great dancer, and a great cook. You could also say that her ability to just listen to people is a talent. She also used to make music, though she hasn't really done that in a while.


When under extreme amounts of stress, she starts hallucinating. Large groups of people tend to make her feel very uncomfortable, to the point of being physically ill if she cannot get out fast enough. Extremely arachnophobic, which is kind of ironic, since her really good friend, Blaire, has a magical tarantula.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kuru have?

Easily embarrassed despite being fairly open about things. Occasionally trips over her own words when excited

Motivations - What motivates Kuru most?

Her motivations can be boiled down to one of two things: What brings her the most fun, and what would let her travel the most

Flaws - What flaws does Kuru have?

Kuru is a socially closed off person, even towards her closest friends. As such, she never completely opens up to others. She also never pampers anyone, in part because she herself was never pampered as a child. She has a very unpredictable and chaotic personality, to the point that at one moment she is just as likely to kill someone as she is to give someone 100$.
She has a rather poor memory, to the point that she needs to keep a journal with her at all times solely to remember things.
She has a rather cold personality as well, partly because she never opens up around people, but mostly because strong emotions are alien to her. She knows what sadness, anger, and joy are. She just doesn't know how to process any of them. She does remember, albeit vaguely, that she once felt those emotions, but she can't recall when she 'lost' them.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kuru have?

Her prejudices boil down to this: She doesn't trust western churches, due to their history of persecuting magic users or non-human beings; and she in general hates 'mean' people (Those who force their views on others, bully other, etc)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kuru have?

listening to music, cooking, drinking with her friends, partying

Personality type - What personality type is Kuru?

Bubbly, yet down to earth. She is always able to see the bright side to any situation, even if said situation is extremely bad. Her age makes her wise, but her apparent immortality also makes her act at times a little... childish. After all, if you can't die, why shouldn't you enjoy yourself? Also, she is very mischievous. Another thing of note is that despite her being bubbly and childish at times, she is called very cold by those around her. This is mostly due to her lack of actually being able to process emotions

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Kuru’s favorite color?

Black/white, though she doesn't wear much black anymore

Favorite animal - What is Kuru’s favorite animal?

Ironically, despite her bird being eaten by Blaire's cat, and being allergic to cats, the first thing that comes to mind when she is asked about her favorite animal, it always pops up as some type of cat. Maybe its because the solitary nature of those beasts match hers very well, or just a statement about her contradictory nature? But her number two animals are birds.

Favorite weapon - What is Kuru’s favorite weapon?

She has a single dagger that she cherishes, even though she doesn't know who gave it to her, why they gave it, or when it was given, so it is safe to say that this was in her possession since before her journal

Favorite possession - What is Kuru’s favorite possession?

Her journal is by and far her most prized possession, since it details her entire life starting back about 850 years. It was originally gifted to her by a now long dead mage, and as such, it has a nearly endless amount of pages.

Favorite food - What is Kuru’s favorite food?

She by her own admission is a carnivore, her diet being about 85% meat -specifically Steaks or pork loin. her all time favorite food, however, is Porterhouse, cooked rare, with a nice red wine demi-glace.

Occupation - What is Kuru’s occupation?

Freelance travel writer, occasional paralegal insurance investigator. Full time traveling awesomeness

Politics - What politics does Kuru have?

She prefers to stay out of politics, though she is an ardent supporter of LGBTQ+ and non-human rights, given that she is directly affected by legislation for and against both groups.

Religion - What religion does Kuru practice?


Job - What job does Kuru have?

She is officially jobless, though she does moonlight as a travel writer and author. In previous centuries, she invested in a multitude of businesses and small ventures, so she is able to comfortably live off of the earnings of said investments.

info History
Birthday - When is Kuru’s birthday?

July 30

Background - What is Kuru’s background?

Much like Blaire, she has been around for a long time. However, unlike Blaire, she actually remembers her childhood (though this is dubious at best. most of what she knows about her past was written in her journal by her parents once she dot the journal
Her parents separated when she was young, and she moved around quite a bit due to the then-highly dogmatic religions of the day, trying to evade being caught by the various inquisitions and witch hunts...

Education - What is Kuru’s level of education?

It's hard to say. She's been around so long that she in theory could have dozens of doctorates if she so chose.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kuru have?

Kuru doesn't currently have a pet, though she did have one in the past. It was a zebra finch named Zeon, and it was eaten by Blaire's cat (a source of contention between the two friends). One day, she would like to have another one as a pet, but she has yet to find one that calls out to her.
She does keep an eye out wherever she goes, though

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Sleeping Habits
Sleep span

Her sleeping patterns are very chaotic. It fluctuates between needing only short naps, to needing most of the day set aside solely to sleep. Her bed is a large california king sized bed, and it's solely for her due to the space she needs. Though she does have a second bed as well that is placed right next to it so her significant other has a spot to sleep as well


This character was created by Nelkere on

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