info Overview
Name - What is Ellen Amar’s full name?

Ellen Amar

Age - How old is Ellen Amar?


Gender - What is Ellen Amar’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ellen Amar go by?

Ellie, El (Pretty much anyone calls her that)

Role - What is Ellen Amar’s role in your story?

Protagonist (May have anti-hero elements)

accessibility_new Looks
Race - What is Ellen Amar’s race?

(Israeli/European ethnicity with Eurasian ancestry)

Skin Tone

Medium tan

Body Type

Broad-shouldered, thin and slightly bony, inverted triangle body shape, not very curvy really. Flatish chest. Mesomorph with a tad of ectomorph (I don't know much about those though). Angular features, almond shaped eyes, slightly squarish face I think (Maybe somewhat heart shaped). Resembles Grace a bit. Looks a bit older then her age.

Weight - How much does Ellen Amar weigh?

156 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ellen Amar have?

Slight sparse freckles on face (Become more prominent later.) Acne scars. Slight circles under eyes.

Height - How tall is Ellen Amar?

6'2 ft.

Hair Color - What color is Ellen Amar’s hair?

Dark chocolate brown (Slight auburn tint)

Hair Style - How does Ellen Amar style their hair?

Curly, bushy, slightly dense, comes down just below her chin, slight widows peak

Eye Color - What is Ellen Amar’s eye color?

Russet brown

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ellen Amar?

She's an ISTP-A.
Ellen is a rational, straightforward person. She isn't afraid to defend the unjustly attacked, despite believing that no good deed go unpunished. She maintains a snarky, wary air while working, but her kind, soft, more emotional side rises to the surface when spending time with her mother, though she does have a soft spot for children. She's a quick thinker, and does fairly well in stressful situations, but can get anxious if extremely overwhelmed.
Although she's a team-player, Ellen doesn't care to get to know co-workers better outside of work. She'll form acquaintance-ships with people, but it stops right about there. The only people Ellen has considered friends are her mother and sister.


Has slight asthma, is 65% deaf, and an insomniac

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ellen Amar have?

Twirling a curl of hair around her finger talking, toying with whatever she's holding when thinking, nervous, or worried, occasional pacing, jiggling leg up and down when anxious or nervous, gestures and signs ASL when in a heated argument or expressing strong emotions, crosses arms in general. Has a neutral face that says I might murder you. Face flushes when exhilarated or hopping mad. Clenches fists when arguing, mad, or embarrassed. Eyes crinkle at the corners when smiling. Raises voice slightly when talking. Pops hip slightly when standing still.

Motivations - What motivates Ellen Amar most?

Taking care of herself and her mother. Contacting Sellicon Inc. and returning to earth.

Flaws - What flaws does Ellen Amar have?

Insensitive, has a temper, stubborn, a bit judgmental, doesn't trust easily (not necessarily a flaw, I know), sometimes a bit blunt, grouchy, claims she's a realist but is more of a cynic, isolates herself too much, can't help but lip off to asshole people despite knowing that could get her in trouble, minor squeamishness, overly pragmatic

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ellen Amar have?

Rich/Well off people. She thinks they're all snobs.

Talents - What talents does Ellen Amar have?

Fixing things, city survival, remembering details, mathematics, hand to eye coordination, being stealthy, climbing, hacking, fairly average at hand to hand combat, sketching, reading lips

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ellen Amar have?

Fixing things, stargazing, reading, climbing/parkour, sketching, soccer, singing with Grace, snuggling Kat.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Ellen Amar’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Ellen Amar’s favorite weapon?

Whatever she can get her hands on, but prefers a dagger or knife.

Favorite possession - What is Ellen Amar’s favorite possession?

Friendship bracelet that Olivia made. It's a braided bracelet that consists of an indigo strand, a cobalt blue strand, a white strand, and a small plastic star charm.

Favorite food - What is Ellen Amar’s favorite food?

Coffee thins

Favorite color - What is Ellen Amar’s favorite color?

Indigo purple

Occupation - What is Ellen Amar’s occupation?

Contracted Technician for Sellicon Inc.

Politics - What politics does Ellen Amar have?

Undecided. Hates politics so she doesn't care. None of the leading politicians care about the working folk anyways.

Religion - What religion does Ellen Amar practice?

Possibly Agnostic

Job - What job does Ellen Amar have?

Currently stationed aboard a spaceport for Sellicon cargo ships

info History
Background - What is Ellen Amar’s background?

(Getting a rehaul, please wait)

Birthday - When is Ellen Amar’s birthday?

February 8th, 2195 (For now)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ellen Amar have?

She has a cat named Katherine (Kat or Kitkat for short. Also Asshole if she's being a pill).

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Extra
Hogwarts House

Ravenclaw (could’ve been Gryffindor)


Failure from lack of control (Will elaborate later)


Usually focus around events in the real world. Be it a past event or a possible future one.

What hand they use

Left hand

Suffers from

Low key paranoia, Lingering depression and trauma from her sister's death

Music taste

Prefers techno

folder_open Clothing
Work clothes

Navy blue flightsuit (Sleeves rolled up to elbows) with tank top and shorts underneath, belt with pouches, hi top sneakers (Kind of look like reeboks). Jacket if it's cold on the Indy. Fingerless gloves maybe. Goggles maybe.


Whatever she's been wearing.

Formal wear

If it’s up to her, whatever’s more or less clean, and isn't work clothes.


Loose hoodie with vest over it, cargo pants, sneakers mentioned above, satchel, long fingerless gloves. Goggles and breathing mask depending on the weather on earth.

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This character was created by Lavender Lynn on

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