info Overview
Name - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s full name?

Quinn Elizabeth Grey

Role - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s role in your story?

Main character, POV

Age - How old is Quinn Elizabeth Grey?


Gender - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Quinn Elizabeth Grey go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?


Hair Style - How does Quinn Elizabeth Grey style their hair?

down, lightly curled

Hair Color - What color is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s hair?

Darkish-brown with hints of bright auburn red

Height - How tall is Quinn Elizabeth Grey?


Weight - How much does Quinn Elizabeth Grey weigh?

121 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?

Incredibly long and dark eyelashes on both the top and bottom lashes

Body Type

hourglass with pretty substantial curvy structure

Skin Tone

very pale

Race - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s race?


Eye Color - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Quinn Elizabeth Grey?

flighty, bouncy, loving, happy, depression spells

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?

flighty, bouncy and laughs a lot

Motivations - What motivates Quinn Elizabeth Grey most?

caring for people she loves

Flaws - What flaws does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?

anxiety, low self-esteem, depression

Prejudices - What prejudices does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?

tries not to have any

Talents - What talents does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?


groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s favorite possession?

her book collection

Politics - What politics does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?

doesn't care at all about politics, doesn't associate as any politic party, stays the hell out of it.

Religion - What religion does Quinn Elizabeth Grey practice?


Favorite food - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s favorite food?

Lettuce wraps with steak and cucumber

Favorite animal - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s favorite animal?

red fox

Favorite weapon - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s occupation?

works part-time at a bookstore

info History
Birthday - When is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s birthday?

March 23, 2002

Education - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s level of education?

sophomore in high school

Background - What is Quinn Elizabeth Grey’s background?

normal teenager, two parents, only child, has struggled with generalized and social anxiety her whole life

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Quinn Elizabeth Grey have?

1 cat named Zelda, little tabby with a white belly, kitten

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Sexuality: Bi, but undetermined for most of novel

flash_on Fears

Someone falling out of love with her

folder_open Aliases
folder_open Preferences
Character chevron_right Children link linked Quinn Elizabeth Grey

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Quinn Elizabeth Grey

This character was created by ameliarosewood on

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