info Overview
Name - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s full name?

Aurelia Salik Zenobia

Other names - What other aliases does Aurelia Salik Zenobia go by?

Sona Li meaning golden

Role - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Aurelia Salik Zenobia?


Gender - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Aurelia Salik Zenobia style their hair?

Hair is always in a tight braid down her spine to keep it away from her face.

Hair Color - What color is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s hair?

Ash brown

Height - How tall is Aurelia Salik Zenobia?


Weight - How much does Aurelia Salik Zenobia weigh?

113 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aurelia Salik Zenobia have?

Her big, arched eyes draw attention to her otherwise small face

Body Type

small and lean. Column shaped.

Skin Tone

tan, golden

Race - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s race?

Aurelia is a part of a bloodline descending from the goddess of magic

Eye Color - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aurelia Salik Zenobia have?

Thin, light, and arched eyebrows. Color of body hair blends into skin.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Politics - What politics does Aurelia Salik Zenobia have?

Aurelia doesn't believe in a monarchy or governments where anyone as way too much power. If anything she'd like a true democracy where everyone can participate in the governments decisions. I think she'd also be cool with an oligarchy where there are multiple representatives from the whole country. She's a fighter for civil rights, especially for women. She doesn't believe in war without a cause, but she agrees with strong defenses. She doesn't see the point in naval forces and likes the idea of cavalry over foot soldiers.

Religion - What religion does Aurelia Salik Zenobia practice?

Aurelia worships many gods and goddesses, so she practices many forms of worship for each of the gods and goddesses she prays to. She mainly worships the goddess tribunal of the hunt, sorcery, and war. She meditates and surrounds herself with incense daily in their name. The goddesses of the tribunal are, Marisha, goddess of war, Cantatrix, goddess of sorcery, and Venari, goddess of the hunt. She will often pray to Cantatrix in particular, calling her name and asking for divine guidance in the ways of arcane arts after she discovers her power.

Favorite food - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s favorite food?

Aurelia's favorite food is fresh-baked bread. While she was living on the streets, she would only feed off of the scraps, but once she became a servant, she fell in love with what good bread tasted like.

info History
Background - What is Aurelia Salik Zenobia’s background?

Aurelia was born onto the streets. She grew up in poverty and learned to survive off of the charity of others along with stolen goods. At ten cycles old she was caught stealing by a castle maiden, but was taken in out of generosity. She was then surrounded by a maternal community while never knowing who her mother truly was. Aurelia learned to be a compassionate intellectual who was surprisingly mature for her age. Her refuge was the library where she would go through an astounding number of books each day. She got her nickname from the servants who called her Sona Li which meant golden in their language. Aurelia's curiosity only grew as she wondered who her mother could be. Then at thirteen cycles old, Aurelia is revealed to the cruelty of the castle when she sees the high priestess, Ambrosia, dragged out of the throne room in disgrace. Ambrosia was screaming about the tribunal of goddesses and her own daughter who she left behind. As always, she retreats to the library as refuge and begins learning about different gods and goddesses. She finally learns about Venefica, the goddess of elemental magic. While learning about Venefica, Aurelia is reminded of the high priestess and she starts to feel a strange connection. She steals the book to read on her own before running into Emir Nolan, a court advisor. He requests for her to be his personal servant and she proceeds to be chained in his room all day until nighttime when she's able to steal his key and get away. At thirteen she begins to mature physically and starts to notice changes. She has dreams about being drowned in water or engulfed by flames. In times of anger she notices the ground shaking or a wind begin to blow. She tries to contain her powers, but whenever Emir sees her practicing, he beats her and tells her she's lucky to not be in the dungeon. Things stay this way for four cycles until she meets Rie on one of her midnight walks.

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