info Overview
Name - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s full name?

Noelle Desrosiers

Age - How old is Noelle Desrosiers?


Gender - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Noelle Desrosiers go by?


Role - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s role in your story?

Side Character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s eye color?

Amber eyes

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Noelle Desrosiers have?


Hair Style - How does Noelle Desrosiers style their hair?

She keeps it short and sweet, her bangs to the side and slightly longer than the rest of her hair

Hair Color - What color is Noelle Desrosiers’s hair?


Height - How tall is Noelle Desrosiers?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Noelle Desrosiers have?

She has a mole on her neck, just behind her left ear

Body Type

She is slightly overweight due to her lack of exercise, but overall she is fairly skinny.

Weight - How much does Noelle Desrosiers weigh?

170 Lbs

Skin Tone

Tanned skin due to her living in the south of France

Race - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Noelle Desrosiers have?

She is a GREAT librarian.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Noelle Desrosiers have?

She is very reserved. She also tends to scratch the back of her neck when she gets confused or nervous -which is a lot.

Motivations - What motivates Noelle Desrosiers most?

She just wants to live a life as comfortably as possible in post-war Earth

Flaws - What flaws does Noelle Desrosiers have?

she is a huge klutz

Prejudices - What prejudices does Noelle Desrosiers have?

Remarkably, she doesn't have really any prejudices. She was only a child when the Eldari took over Earth, but most of her experiences with any Eldari have been pleasant (mostly because the Eldari she's met have been looking for human books to read to try to get a glimpse of the human mind).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Noelle Desrosiers have?

Reading, shopping, snoozing.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s favorite color?

Pink. Specifically, Cerise.

Favorite animal - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s favorite animal?

She adores cats. Though her own pet cat is named Asswipe -mainly because he's an asshole, and he loves to drag his butt across EVERYTHING.

Favorite weapon - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s favorite weapon?

She abhors violence. Though she carries a taser and pepper spray on her at all times. And she owns a FN Five-seven Mk7 'Crossfire' home defense semi-automatic pistol (modeled after the old Earth FN Five-seven Mk2)

Favorite possession - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s favorite possession?

she doesn't really have a favorite possession, though she does cherish her silverware for some reason.

Favorite food - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s favorite food?

Salads. doesn't matter what kind, she loves salads

Occupation - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s occupation?

She is a librarian. Though she also worked as a web designer briefly.

Politics - What politics does Noelle Desrosiers have?

Largely apolitical, she still classifies herself as a socialist

Religion - What religion does Noelle Desrosiers practice?

She grew up in a mixed religion household. Both parents were lapsed Jewish and Christian, but she grew up being told to study the different religions of the planet so she could choose her own if she so chose.
That being said, she is a Christian, even if she doesn't go to church more than once a month or so.

info History
Birthday - When is Noelle Desrosiers’s birthday?

Thursday, December 25, 2527

Background - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s background?

Born to Julien Desrosiers and Claudette Belmont in Nice, France in 2527, she was only a child when the Eldari- Earth War began and ended. Homeschooled until she was 11, she was considered socially awkward -though that didn't stop her from being friends with a lot of people from the more popular crowds- and spent most of her time either reading or in the music room.

Education - What is Noelle Desrosiers’s level of education?

College graduate with a masters in Library Sciences

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Noelle Desrosiers have?

1 cat, a Norwegian Forest cat, named Asswipe - in part because he is an asshole of a cat who seriously holds grudges (but he is also extremely affectionate), but also because he drags his butt along the floor EVERYWHERE. Noelle got him when he was a kitten when she was 19.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Sleeping Habits

Noelle doesn't dream. Or at least, she doesn't recall any dreams that she may have had.

Sleep span

On average, she gets about 6 hours of sleep a night, and suffers light insomnia. She takes sleeping aids when she really needs to just sleep for a long time, usually getting about 9 hours with help.


This character was created by Nelkere on

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