Lady Nidatri Vinewing
Appears to be in her later 20's to early 30's
Exact age is Unknown
Dragon Lady
Plant/Life Dragon
Human Form - About 5ft, 4in
Human Form - A dark, earthy green
Length-wise, reaches the middle of her back
Often leaves it down, straight
Occasionally puts it in a low ponytail
For special occasions, will braid flowers into her hair
Green, but changes to different shades
Human form she keeps her tail, fangs, and forked tongue
Can willingly make her horns and wings appear if she so chooses
Nidatri is generally sweet and kind-hearted
She more often thinks with her heart/feelings than her head
However, if her chicks or mate are threatened in anyway, she will become extremely protective
Name: Lady Nidatri Vinewing
Human form - appears to be in her late 20's to early 30's
Exact age - unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Plant/Life Dragon
Other Info: Mate of Lord Mutaro
Their first clutch was a single; Carric
Currently on her second clutch, 3 chicks, and all 3 years old
Has complete control of the plants around her, increasing growth and 'speaking' to the plants which in turn offer protection and aid when Nidatri calls for them
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All Natural - Claws, fangs, horns, etc.