info Overview
Name - What is tol, revner’s full name?

tol, revner

Age - How old is tol, revner?


Gender - What is tol, revner’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does tol, revner go by?

nuisance, mut, trouble kid.

Role - What is tol, revner’s role in your story?

main character

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does tol, revner have?


Hair Style - How does tol, revner style their hair?

a rat nest.
ok so in all seriousness his hair is disastrous.
his hair is a lighter green, to that of his mother. he also has two patches of darker hair in his bangs.
he has emo bangs, or side bangs whatever it's called. two small braids next to his ear. he used to have longer hair but someone took a pair of sicors to it and did an awful job of cutting his hair.

Hair Color - What color is tol, revner’s hair?

light green with some darker strips

Height - How tall is tol, revner?

tol is 5'10"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does tol, revner have?

has three beauty spots on his left cheek as well as freckles.
his hands are naturally darker than the rest of his skin.
this freaks some people out.

Weight - How much does tol, revner weigh?


Body Type

he is rather muscular but generally skinny, as he lakes all the nutrition he needs. in order to actually become muscular.

Skin Tone

pasty, and wight his skin looks like porcelain

Race - What is tol, revner’s race?

mixed race, is mother is a eliv, and his father is suspected to be a munis.

Eye Color - What is tol, revner’s eye color?

golden eyes, his right eye which he covers which his hair has a bloch of green.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does tol, revner have?

his father, as he suspects it is his fathers fault for causing his mothers suffering.
he also has much against bandits and slavers, as well as a bone to pick which nobility.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does tol, revner have?

impulsive, determined,

Motivations - What motivates tol, revner most?

to help his mother, to make a name for himself, fined out how his father is, and to free the angel king from captivity and restore the light.

Flaws - What flaws does tol, revner have?

stubborn, impatient, and problems with authority.

Talents - What talents does tol, revner have?

tol is quit a strong young kid, he is good with numbers,espesially big numbers. he can play, the pan pipe and the harmonica.he has a talent for sowing, he discovered he had this talent after his mother originally became ill.

Hobbies - What hobbies does tol, revner have?

reading, playing his instruments, and sowing random (often unless) things.

Personality type - What personality type is tol, revner?

fierce, loyal and kind hearted.quick to anger, quick to forgive.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is tol, revner’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is tol, revner’s favorite animal?

dragons, has never seen one and truthfully hopes he never will, as it wound probably destroy his home. but admire their power.

Favorite weapon - What is tol, revner’s favorite weapon?

synth summoned from his grimuare as well as a stick.

Favorite possession - What is tol, revner’s favorite possession?

his grimuare (as he got it very late)

Favorite food - What is tol, revner’s favorite food?

snap peas

Occupation - What is tol, revner’s occupation?

farmer, works on snake's grandparents farm as they are helping care for his mother.

Politics - What politics does tol, revner have?

he is agents oppression of minorities (such as himself being mixed race) and virtual slavery of Demi-humans

Religion - What religion does tol, revner practice?

he was raised around the niuto religion.

info History
Education - What is tol, revner’s level of education?

local school/ church

Background - What is tol, revner’s background?

farmer and a troublesome brat.

Birthday - When is tol, revner’s birthday?

6th of Thepa-lan 1863

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does tol, revner have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked tol, revner

This character was created by Anonymous author on

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