info Overview
Name - What is Courtney Velarde’s full name?

Courtney Velarde

Role - What is Courtney Velarde’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Courtney Velarde?


Gender - What is Courtney Velarde’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Courtney Velarde go by?


face Looks
Body Type

Tall and stocky. Less graceful than Adarius, though.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Courtney Velarde have?

All Uvblandans are branded when they are children, so that they are "Uvblandan forever." The mark is Uvblanda's symbol: a circle with three lines leading down from it and a downward facing triangle above it. Symbolizes the goddess Mortiana. Court's brand is on his right wrist.

Skin Tone

Kind of a light ochre

Hair Color - What color is Courtney Velarde’s hair?

Brown, literally looks like chocolate idk how else to describe it

Hair Style - How does Courtney Velarde style their hair?

Short, fluffy. Feels nice to run your hand through.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Courtney Velarde have?

none he is a baby faced boye

Eye Color - What is Courtney Velarde’s eye color?

Hazel, a greenish brown

Race - What is Courtney Velarde’s race?

Uvbladan Valtaernan
(again, this doesn't really mean anything, Uvblanda has all sorts of skin tones, but mostly darker tones. If he lived in our world, Court would specifically be Spanish, like from Spain, but he has Mexican heritage)

Height - How tall is Courtney Velarde?


Weight - How much does Courtney Velarde weigh?

178 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Courtney Velarde most?

He wants to get back at his parents for what they did to him. He wants to keep Adarius safe and help the crew. he wants to see Uvblanda free of the reign of Queen Jericho.

Flaws - What flaws does Courtney Velarde have?

Has anger issues (like, seriously, when he's angry, he's scary, and Esperanza and Adarius are the only ones who can get him to calm down). Holds grudges.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Courtney Velarde have?

Hates his parents, Queen Jericho, the goddesses, and anyone who supports Jericho.

Talents - What talents does Courtney Velarde have?

He's the best sharpshooter in the whole world. Doesn't need to see things to shoot them (this comes in handy because he might either be going blind or is blinded). He's really understanding and surprisingly easy to talk to, once you get to know him.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Courtney Velarde have?

Target practice. Playing with Adarius's hair.

Personality type - What personality type is Courtney Velarde?

A man of few words. He's usually quiet until he feels a conversation needs his input, which isn't much. He can get very angry. He is quite intelligent. he doesn't like to talk about his past or his problems, but will listen to other people's problems. He's a sweetheart.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Courtney Velarde have?

Rubs the brand on his wrist when he gets nervous or starts to think about his past too much. Scratches his head when thinking. Runs his hand through his hair or rubs his neck when embarrassed or unsure of something. Has a hot smile. You can usually tell how he's feeling by looking at his eyebrows. Crosses arms a lot and has a resting bitch face.

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Courtney Velarde have?

He is with anyone who is against Uvblanda.

Religion - What religion does Courtney Velarde practice?

He thinks the goddesses are real, but he doesn't like them or respect them.

Occupation - What is Courtney Velarde’s occupation?

Member of the Silver Spirit crew

Favorite color - What is Courtney Velarde’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Courtney Velarde’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Courtney Velarde’s favorite possession?

A bandanna, given to him by Adarius when they first met. He uses it to hide his brand when they go someplace public.

Favorite weapon - What is Courtney Velarde’s favorite weapon?

His guns.

Favorite animal - What is Courtney Velarde’s favorite animal?

He loves fish for some reason? just, any kind of fish

info History
Birthday - When is Courtney Velarde’s birthday?

December 30

Background - What is Courtney Velarde’s background?

Court was born in Uvblanda to a bar owner and a seamstress. He had three other siblings, two sisters and a brother, all much younger than him. Court's parents were abusive, they beat him and yelled at him. They were always upset with him because he wouldn't (and couldn't) learn the dark magic. Court hated his life there. He began to shoot as a distraction. When he met Adarius, it was a way out. He left his family behind in Uvblanda and travelled to Kellad with Adarius. He still feels guilty about leaving his siblings behind. When Adarius was captured by Dubalians, Court volunteered to go save him. He helped Adarius free the slaves, then supported Adarius when he faced Florian. When Adarius was kicked off the guard, Court protested, then proceeded to quit, leaving the palace after Adarius. He then joined Esperanza to help her find her sister.

Education - What is Courtney Velarde’s level of education?

high school level

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Powers

None. He knows he can't do magic and doesn't want to learn how.

folder_open Hogwarts House

Gryffindor ?

folder_open Sexuality


folder_open Clothes/Style
folder_open Playlists
folder_open Mental/Physical Illnesses or Disabilities
Disease/Disabilities this character may have

Goes blind in either one eye or both. (not entirely sure yet)

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This character was created by Alayna Steward on

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