info Overview
Name - What is Viera Deltania’s full name?

Viera Deltania

Other names - What other aliases does Viera Deltania go by?

Vi (by Riyec & her father)
Lotus (temporary alias)

Role - What is Viera Deltania’s role in your story?

main character

Age - How old is Viera Deltania?

17 standard years

Gender - What is Viera Deltania’s gender?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Viera Deltania’s eye color?

luminous, pale amber brown

Hair Style - How does Viera Deltania style their hair?

lengthy, voluminous, and flows in waves like water. often styled in a messy updo

Hair Color - What color is Viera Deltania’s hair?


Height - How tall is Viera Deltania?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Viera Deltania have?

distinctive scar along right cheekbone

Body Type

toned, curvaceous

Skin Tone

warm beige

Race - What is Viera Deltania’s race?

human (white/middle eastern)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Viera Deltania have?

she has a lovely singing voice she rarely uses, and some sweet dance moves to match. she's very skilled in hand-to-hand combat—she was trained at a young age for self defense. additionally, she's honed a proficiency in the art of throwing knives.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Viera Deltania have?

she has a tendency to be very blunt and bold in speech—she always speaks her mind and doesn't bother to sugarcoat anything. she's also quite emotionally reserved, and doesn't like to open up to others. one might describe her as having an attitude, since she can be awfully sarcastic (and sassy as well). still, she's witty, kind, and fun to be around, especially if you have a taste for bad ideas like she does.

Motivations - What motivates Viera Deltania most?

she loves raking in cash—personal gain is important to her. her apparent thirst for vengeance can also serve as a major motivator when an apt situation presents itself. however, above all else comes her friends and family. she is extremely loyal to those she cares about and wishes to at least keep them safe.

Flaws - What flaws does Viera Deltania have?

she's extremely reckless—jumping into tricky situations without a second thought. and that doesn't exclude near suicidal circumstances... she may be slightly crazy. unfortunately, impatience comes hand in hand with her impulsivity. she hates waiting around for anyone or anything. she's uncommunicative concerning her feelings, and has a tendency to turn off her emotions. still, it's not like she's unfeeling, quiet, or inconsiderate... she's just private—she doesn't like to share anything too raw.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Viera Deltania have?

she doesn't like the careful types of people who over-analyze situations. she says they're boring (but really they just make her nervous). additionally, she can't stand the types of people that derive satisfaction from cruelty. she can be rude herself, but how she sees it, her own malevolence isn't without reason.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Viera Deltania have?

she loves wandering around the city, dancing, drinking, and risk-taking. she also absolutely loves riding her speeder beyond the "refuge" of the city. the landscape may be in ruins, but the night sky certainly isn't. when she's out on retrieval missions, she loves to gaze up at all the visible stars and nebula in the sky. after all, she's only ever been in space a few times. what she doesn't let just anyone in on is that she loves painting, too. it's sort of a lost art, but she enjoys it—same as her mother.

Personality type - What personality type is Viera Deltania?

she's an audacious, brassy person with a 'take no shit' kind of mindset. she can be influenced by money, but not at the expense of her (screwy) morals. she has quite the attitude, and a sarcastic nature she doesn't know how to rein in. she is absolutely the vengeful type—she doesn't just forgive people who have hurt either her or those she cares about. it's her idea of justice, and she'll pursue it no matter the cost.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Viera Deltania’s favorite color?

the violaceous shades that can be seen in the massive nebula over her homeworld at night.

Favorite animal - What is Viera Deltania’s favorite animal?

you don't see a lot of animals in the city, but a friend of her father once owned a silver Suko Hound (like a big dog) that she fell in love with as a small child.

Favorite weapon - What is Viera Deltania’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Viera Deltania’s favorite possession?

Nemesis; the SX-7210 model starship she eventually comes to own through entirely... legal... circumstances... Manufactured by the Tethrin Engineering Corporation in 7210 (by standard years), it's a pretty old ship. However, it's been said that it's one of the fastest models ever created by T.E.C., and it's just one of the few remaining functional models in the galaxy. (which is only thanks to the dozens of unlicensed modifications made to the vessel over the years)

Occupation - What is Viera Deltania’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Viera Deltania have?

she grew up surrounded by sketchy circumstances and activities, and most worlds she visited were quite unkind to official governments and laws. most often situated in Eria, she hasn't known anything other than the chaotic lifestyle of anarchy, so she isn't very into politics (other than thinking anarchy is the way to go). however, she does tend to pursue her own sense of justice.

Religion - What religion does Viera Deltania practice?

she is aware of the concept and the most widespread practices throughout the local sectors of the galaxy, however neither she nor her family was ever religious.

info History
Background - What is Viera Deltania’s background?

working on it

Birthday - When is Viera Deltania’s birthday?

year 7207

Education - What is Viera Deltania’s level of education?

working on it

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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