info Overview
Name - What is Gunther Ludwig Bauer’s full name?

Gunther Ludwig Bauer

Age - How old is Gunther Ludwig Bauer?


Other names - What other aliases does Gunther Ludwig Bauer go by?

Ludwig, Lud

Role - What is Gunther Ludwig Bauer’s role in your story?

Ambassador to Calamity.


Bisexual (Thinks he's hetero)

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Gunther Ludwig Bauer style their hair?

Brushed back haphazardly

Hair Color - What color is Gunther Ludwig Bauer’s hair?

Light brown

Eye Color - What is Gunther Ludwig Bauer’s eye color?

Dark Grey

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Gunther Ludwig Bauer have?


Body Type

Broad-shouldered and generally strong-built.

Height - How tall is Gunther Ludwig Bauer?


Identifying Features

His arms have the same starry quality as Calamity's.

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature

Gunther is a very awkward and personal person. His professionalism is an almost permanent mindset of his, and he always keeps himself fit for an interview. Like Calamity, he can get caught up in his work.

Also like Calamity, he can fluster easily; especially if someone calls him by his first name.

Otherwise, he is curt and polite, and at worst becomes exasperated. He is also extremely protective of Calamity.

He's historically been the one to force Fortuity to work, as Seamus has been out of commission for a while.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gunther Ludwig Bauer have?

Brisk and polite.

Flaws - What flaws does Gunther Ludwig Bauer have?

Chronic workaholic. Very awkward.

Talents - What talents does Gunther Ludwig Bauer have?

He's a beast at organization.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Gunther Ludwig Bauer’s occupation?

Ambassador and Professional God Babysitter.

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
group_work Current Status

There was a certain 'event' that damaged the souls of many ambassadors. Gunther was spared. However, he currently lives as a human inside of Dechrau Newydd as a babysitter for the injured ambassadors. He can leave any time he wishes.

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