info Overview
Name - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s full name?

Cyprus Lucelle

Other names - What other aliases does Cyprus Lucelle go by?

Usually known as just Cyprus

Role - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s role in your story?

Vengeful spirit

Age - How old is Cyprus Lucelle?

About 22 at death, currently thousands of years old

Gender - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cyprus Lucelle have?


Hair Style - How does Cyprus Lucelle style their hair?

Wavy, shoulder length hair that floats in an invisible wind, has wisps of hair that go in front of his ears

Hair Color - What color is Cyprus Lucelle’s hair?

Pale whitish-blue

Height - How tall is Cyprus Lucelle?

About 6'

Weight - How much does Cyprus Lucelle weigh?

Uh nothing? He's a ghost?

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cyprus Lucelle have?

The marks left by the explosion that killed him are purple and cover most of the left half of his face as well as large portions of his waist and arms

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale blue

Race - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s race?

Human turned ghost

Eye Color - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s eye color?

Dark, almost black blue with target-shaped eyes that glow a brightish purple

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Cyprus Lucelle have?

Absolutely loathes Jay's entire lineage, hates most spirits

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cyprus Lucelle have?

Usually has his arms folded or has his poncho thing covering most of his body, has a higher-pitched British accent, scowls almost all the time

Motivations - What motivates Cyprus Lucelle most?

Revenge, grief, self-preservation

Flaws - What flaws does Cyprus Lucelle have?

Easy to anger, thinks everyone is below him, has no regard for others' safety

Talents - What talents does Cyprus Lucelle have?

Telekinesis, mind-reading, mind control (it's just really strong persuasion), control over fire/lava (but the fire he produces is more of a cold fire), alchemy, music-based magic via his violin

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cyprus Lucelle have?

Tormenting Jay, eating random creatures

Personality type - What personality type is Cyprus Lucelle?

Stuck-up, privileged, angry, a bit self-loathing, secretly a bit of a softie

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s favorite animal?

Wolves (he used mutated reject wolves as puppets for a long time)

Favorite weapon - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s favorite weapon?

Tie between telekinesis, cold fire, and musical magic

Favorite possession - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s favorite possession?

His crown

Favorite food - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Cyprus Lucelle have?

Escaped the Purgatory level of the Black Forest and hid in the Weeping Willows before taking Jay over out of rage, on the run from most of the Court of the Underworld for escaping

Religion - What religion does Cyprus Lucelle practice?

None, but most of his family worshipped Paean gods before the gods were overthrown

info History
Background - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s background?

He was the last prince of Castle Lucelle before the demon Isthet was summoned by the Heirsons to take the family out of power. The Herisons accidentally massacred everyone in the city including themselves, which led to Cyprus becoming stuck in Purgatory because of a curse placed on him. He escaped and latched onto Jay, who he used to try and kill Isthet who happened to be inhabiting his sister Raven's body through a pact

Education - What is Cyprus Lucelle’s level of education?

Um...As educated as you could get in medieval times, save for the study of magic and weapons

Birthday - When is Cyprus Lucelle’s birthday?

December 11

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cyprus Lucelle have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Caused Jay's body to be almost completely destroyed because of the effects of long term possession by a vengeful spirit as well as his total disregard for his host in his determination to kill Raven, accidentally attached his soul to Jay's in a failed pact, actually felt really bad about hurting Jay after the long term possession, fights with Jay a lot and pretends not to care about him but secretly does

brush Appearance (Advanced)
brightness_6 Alternate Form
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