info Overview
Name - What is Edith’s full name?




Age - How old is Edith?



A fire-wielding misanthrope who tags along with people for the fun of it.

Role - What is Edith’s role in your story?

face Looks
Height - How tall is Edith?


Hair Style - How does Edith style their hair?

Mid-back length, straight, out of face

Hair Color - What color is Edith’s hair?


Skin Tone

Medium white; warm undertones



Race - What is Edith’s race?





A crop-top-like biker's jacket with dull studs on the shoulder pads, a plain tank top, and slim jeans tucked into combat boots. All black.

A white tank top and black jeans.


Smaller framed; lean, fit.

Body Type

Hourglass but not exaggerated

Chest Size


folder_open Voice claim
Voice claim

Jessica Lange

fingerprint Nature
MBTI type



Her greatest aspiration in life as a normal human was securing a better world & future for women. After becoming a Magical & leaving the human world and later "finding out" that her efforts went in vain (á la world wars & their atrocities), she lost her faith in the human race. These days, she's just wandering around from place to place, finding enjoyment where she can and trying to ignore the weighing grief on her shoulders for the death of her sister and the frustration & powerlessness she now feels.

Flaws - What flaws does Edith have?

She can be too harsh & hard on others. She feels that moping or feeling sorry for yourself won't get you anywhere so she's not sympathetic towards people who do that instead of trying to solve their problems.

She's a bully towards people she dislikes. Nothing physical but all mind games, insults, threats. Never getting off their case.

She can bear a hard grudge. It's very, very hard to get off her bad side once someone's on it.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Edith have?

She doesn't care for men. She feels no warmth towards them, keeps her distance from them, and is far harder on them than any woman she doesn't care for. The reason for this is that in her time, there was a great power imbalance between the sexes. Her reasoning is, how can you love someone who sees you as beneath them or has legal power over you? She only associates with women, reserving her time & emotion for only them, feeling nothing (except maybe disdain) for men. Individually may be a different story, but she still prefers the company, friendship, and romance of women.

Under the belief that her efforts to better the world had ended in vain, Edith grew bitter & disappointed in the human race. In her eyes, they don't care about things, they don't try to change or better themselves--they "just indulge in their vices and their constructs". She wouldn't outright say or even think, "I dislike people", but the sentiment is there.



Magical abilities

She's a Fire Magical; meaning she can wield fire through magic. HoWeVeR, she is not well-versed in it and easily loses control (causing fires in effect).

When she fights, she does sometimes use fire with her punches and kicks. However, she'll only fight this way if she feels genuinely threatened.

As part of her magical abilities, she can touch fire, hot water and surfaces without being burned. She also does not experience heat the way regular humans do; she can go about a summer day's dressed in long sleeves and dark clothes and not feel hot at all.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Edith have?

  • Traveling, usually with others.

  • Socializing.

  • Doing fun activities with her loved ones.


Cooking, baking
Fashion, "shopping"
Reading (not so much anymore)


People who are whiny, weak-willed, or cowardly.
People who "conversation dwaddle"; i.e., dance around the point.
When people complain but don't do anything their problems.
Passive-aggression. Bc only cowards can't be upfront about how they feel.
Two-facedness; dishonesty / fakeness.
Feeling like the things she'd done were in vain.
Mirrors. It's not her reflection she doesn't want to see; it's who it reminds her of.

Character / Background songs

When I Am Queen - Jack Off Jill
One - The Birthday Massacre
Raise The Curtains - Madoka OST
Flame of Despair - Madoka OST
The Dream - The Birthday Massacre

(↓↓ more so background songs)
Minidate - Yoon Young-Ah (Night Tempo Remix)
Minako Yoshida - Light'n Up! (Night Tempo Remix)

shopping_basket Inventory
groups Social
World of origin


Current world





German, English


An initially mild German accent that's now barely recognizable thanks to all the years she's spent alive (over 100)

Occupation - What is Edith’s occupation?

After becoming a Magical: vagabond / thief

Religion - What religion does Edith practice?


Favorite color - What is Edith’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Edith’s favorite weapon?

Her fists.

folder_open Sexuality


device_hub Family
info History
Birthday - When is Edith’s birthday?

April 181x

Education - What is Edith’s level of education?

Educated for a woman of her time. She would read whatever piqued her interest when she was little and was lucky enough to be tutored when she got older.

folder_open Misc Info
folder_open Quotes
folder_open Fact Corner
Random Facts

  • She was in her 70s by 1890, the time around she started practicing magic. She's /old/ and would very well look it if not for a magic spell making her appear younger.

  • When she was first practicing magic, she accidentally burned down her house--along with all her life possessions and achievements inside. Her reaction was to just accept it.

  • She willingly chose to discard her status to pursue her goals.

  • When she was a kid, she liked rough-housing with boys in the lower-income neighborhoods and often won her fights. Such led to her being seen as unruly & unlady-like by adults.

  • Once, a boy looking for revenge punched Edith's twin sister Bertha by mistake. Edith then paid him back accordingly.

  • After being mistaken for her sister one too many times, Bertha had decided to cut her hair, doing it before Edith could volunteer to do so to her own. It's the reason Edith always kept her long hair.

  • One day, years after Edith and Bertha had stopped talking, Edith was mistaken for Bertha when one of Bertha's children came up to her in the street. It was what led to her finding out her sister had a family of her own as well as the two temporarily rekindling.

  • She always refers to Wescott by Doll, never her name.

  • Even though Edith never had or desired children of her own, she likes and is good with them.

  • When she was an old woman (in her last years as a normal human), the little kids in her neighborhood thought she was a witch and she would sometimes indulge them by "threatening" to make them a part of her stews.

edit Notes
history Changelog
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Edith

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Edith

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