info Overview
Name - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s full name?

William Wallace Wintergrean

Age - How old is William Wallace Wintergrean?

Appears to be 25. Nobody, not even himself, is sure how old he really is.

Gender - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does William Wallace Wintergrean go by?

  • Grand Prince of Hell

  • Grand Prince Wanarath

  • Wanawrath

  • Izanagi

  • Geb

  • Cernunnos

  • Actaeon

  • Fenrir

Role - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s role in your story?

Villain/Anti-hero (eventually)

face Looks
Height - How tall is William Wallace Wintergrean?

6'5" (Changes depending on who/what he decides to possess.)

Weight - How much does William Wallace Wintergrean weigh?

Varies, as he can possess other people and items

Hair Color - What color is William Wallace Wintergrean’s hair?

Naturally black with naturally red tips.

Hair Style - How does William Wallace Wintergrean style their hair?

Short, yet long enough to be styled however he wants to have it. It lays naturally, with a part at the left, above his temple. Falls to cover the top of his ears.

Eye Color - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s eye color?

Bright green

His demon-eyes are orange (the entire eye, not just the iris). If he want's to hide the fact that he's a Prince of Hell, he can make his demon-eyes completely black.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

Stubble at times, but he shaves it off.

Skin Tone

Slightly tanned, white skin.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

A jagged scar running along his left arm, and an eventual vertical scar over his right eye. (Yet to be determined on how he got them.)

Race - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s race?


Body Type

Slender, toned muscular body.


He likes to wear dark clothing. Mostly wears black, but will wear red. He has a dark red suit that he wears with a black dress-shirt and a grey tie with skulls on it. He wears skull-related jewlery.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

  • Killing.

  • He can telekinetically control electricity, fire, and water (this includes anything that has water in it).

  • Coitus

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

  • Smiles if he sees something that he enjoys.

  • Mainly smiles if he finds something humorous, if he's about to kill someone, or if he's plotting on how to kill.

  • Raises an eyebrow if amused.

  • Usually smirking.

  • Right eye twitches when pissed off.

Motivations - What motivates William Wallace Wintergrean most?

  • The psychological need, as a demon, to cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible.

Flaws - What flaws does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

  • He's often rude and swears.

  • He doesn't care about privacy (flaunts his privates).

  • Enjoys killing people.

  • Sadistic

  • Dishonest.

  • Egotistical.

  • Loudmouthed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

  • Detests all angels except for Lucifer, and refers to humans as "worms", "idiotic", and "pond scum".

  • Hates vampires. Calls them parasites, leeches, and mosquitoes. However, he also kinda respects them due to their strength.

Hobbies - What hobbies does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

  • Drinking

  • Reading (horror, fantasy, gore, and classics)

  • Killing

  • Making fun of George. Is both rude and sarcastic.

Personality type - What personality type is William Wallace Wintergrean?

  • Cocky and rude most of the time, yet apparently can have a somewhat tender and caring attitude towards his co-worker and animals.

  • Loudmouthed

  • Quiet/brooding at times.

  • Intimidating

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s favorite animal?

He actually loves animals, and isn't partial to any. Though he doesn't care for mosquitos.

Favorite weapon - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s favorite weapon?

Himself, swords

Favorite food - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s favorite food?

Lasagna, pizza, burgers, fruits, basically all types of food though he doesn't actually need to eat.

Favorite color - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s favorite color?

Black and red

Occupation - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s occupation?


info History
Birthday - When is William Wallace Wintergrean’s birthday?


Background - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s background?

He's a type of demon known as the Grand Princes of Hell (more info in the plot).

Education - What is William Wallace Wintergrean’s level of education?


device_hub Family

Lucifer aka Satan aka The Devil

Pets - What pets does William Wallace Wintergrean have?

A hell-hound that he'll eventually name Cujo.

shopping_basket Inventory
folder_open Life Status
history Changelog
edit Notes

Usually has a smirk on his face. His demon-eyes are orange (the entire eye, not just the iris). If he want's to hide the fact that he's a Grand Prince of Hell, he can make his demon-eyes completely black.

Has an oblong-shaped face.

Finds it amusing to watch humans reacting to their emotions.

Fond of snakes, geese, bulls, rams, crocodiles

Fingernails become talons.
He becomes even more muscular, and has an extra set of arms. His wings are large and dragon-like, but are covered in feathers.
Skin takes on a grayish-blue color with a dry, leathery feel.
Giant bird-like feet.
Crown made of horns growing out of his head.
Completely Orange eyes.
Thinking that he stands at 7 or 8 feet tall in this form.

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