info Overview
Name - What is Marina Arkenson’s full name?

Marina Arkenson

Gender - What is Marina Arkenson’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marina Arkenson go by?


Role - What is Marina Arkenson’s role in your story?

A supporting character - sword fights <3

Age - How old is Marina Arkenson?

Approximately 18-19

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Marina Arkenson’s hair?

Blue-black - which reflects a lot of light, actually.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marina Arkenson have?

There's a series of fine, criss-crossing scars across her left side.

Body Type


Race - What is Marina Arkenson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Marina Arkenson’s eye color?

They look black but when you get closer you see they're actually really dark greengray

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marina Arkenson have?


Hair Style - How does Marina Arkenson style their hair?

It's really wavy, so just one braid.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Marina Arkenson have?


Motivations - What motivates Marina Arkenson most?

Sheer revenge and loyalty

Flaws - What flaws does Marina Arkenson have?

Brusque and direct, probably annoyingly sometimes.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marina Arkenson have?

Is prejudiced against most powered because of what they did. Will only ever trust Jigs (and Kira) of all powered.

Personality type - What personality type is Marina Arkenson?

Deadpan, calm and cool. Wary of others. Very loyal to those who gain her trust.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Marina Arkenson’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Marina Arkenson’s favorite weapon?

Aegar's Star

Favorite possession - What is Marina Arkenson’s favorite possession?

There's this one hair ribbon thing she has, a gold one hehehe - it's precious only cause it's one of the few reminders left of her sister Iris

Favorite color - What is Marina Arkenson’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Marina Arkenson’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Marina Arkenson have?

Also no

Religion - What religion does Marina Arkenson practice?


info History
Education - What is Marina Arkenson’s level of education?

General. Trained in fighting.

Background - What is Marina Arkenson’s background?

Came from a large, awesome family living in the hills - farmers and the like. Sea was trained as a fighter from a young age, considering her skill set. Because she was directly descended from Aegar himself, her family was littered with powered - her twin sister Iris was a dark - and so she grew up familiar with tales and stories of the Beginning. They were a peaceful lot, rarely using their powers, but strong nonetheless.
Then, the wars began, and Sea's family was one of the first attacked (!). She was imprisoned with all the other non-powered, mostly because of how skilled they were. Iris and the other powered were taken away, to God knows where.
In the prisons, she met a kid. A tenebrae, to be exact, who had hid his powers from the capturers - how, nobody knew. He called himself Jigs, and told her he had a plan to break out. She, wisely, was wary of him, but he soon proved to be actually trustworthy, and managed to break both of them out plus a few of her family members. From there, they ended up travelling together, alone, hiding during the day and fleeing by night. It was wild, but Jigs had an idea, and that idea involved a Lux girl.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Christine on

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