info Overview
Name - What is Ezra Hartwell’s full name?

Ezra Hartwell

Other names - What other aliases does Ezra Hartwell go by?

Flower boy

Role - What is Ezra Hartwell’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Ezra Hartwell?


Gender - What is Ezra Hartwell’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ezra Hartwell have?


Hair Style - How does Ezra Hartwell style their hair?

Ezra has short, slightly wavy hair with bangs that reach just above his eyes. He initially tries to keep it obsessively neat, but eventually quits when he runs out of hair gel and Rose musses up his hair one too many times.

Hair Color - What color is Ezra Hartwell’s hair?


Height - How tall is Ezra Hartwell?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra has a mole under his right eye.

Body Type

Ezra has a generally slim frame, with a little bit of muscle. He's kind of wimpy, placing little importance on physical strength. However, he can be very quick when he tries.

Skin Tone

Fair (Fitzpatrick type I)

Race - What is Ezra Hartwell’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ezra Hartwell’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ezra Hartwell?

Ezra acts cold and apathetic, but this is more of a defense mechanism than anything else. He pushes everyone away from fear of his curse, and bottles up his emotions, not letting anyone get too close. However, underneath his cool façade, he is a chronic worrier, and gets embarrassed easily. Ezra is a perfectionist. He is very introverted, and avoids social interaction in any way possible. He is also a complete workaholic and will work even if he is ill, and will forget to eat and sleep if he is deeply absorbed in something. Ezra is very independent, and has difficulty accepting help even if he needs it. He is an INTJ.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra acts in a generally "high-class" manner, which can come off as being haughty and conceited. He tries to keep his emotions bottled up, keeping up a mask of mildly curious apathy. Growing up in a noble family ingrained the importance of grace and good posture, though years as an apothecary apprentice has greatly diminished the importance of the latter.

Motivations - What motivates Ezra Hartwell most?

More than anything, Ezra wants to find a way to rid himself of his curse.

Flaws - What flaws does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra tends to be overly paranoid and suspicious of others, and finds it difficult to open up to them. He has always considered his magical abilities to be his greatest strength, so he can be somewhat rude, and considers people who can't use magic to be weaker, if not inferior. Ezra is a very good liar. He believes showing his true emotions is a sign of weakness.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra is prejudiced against those with weak magic or none at all, having spent the first fourteen years of his life in an environment where his magical ability was the only thing making him worth anything.

Talents - What talents does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra is a highly talented mage, and has a knack for making medicines and poisons. He has a green thumb, and is good at botany. Ezra is also a rather good fencer.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra loves reading and firmly believes that books make far better companions than people. He also likes to learn other languages. He plays the violin. Ezra also likes to experiment with different elixirs and with the effects of different compounds.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Ezra Hartwell’s favorite possession?

His grimoire, and a locket left to him by his mother.

Occupation - What is Ezra Hartwell’s occupation?

Apothecary apprentice, botanist

Politics - What politics does Ezra Hartwell have?

Ezra doesn't really care about politics as long as they don't directly affect him. If they do, he'll support the side he will gain the most from.

Religion - What religion does Ezra Hartwell practice?


Favorite color - What is Ezra Hartwell’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Ezra Hartwell’s favorite food?

Apple tarte tatin, chocolate soufflé

Favorite weapon - What is Ezra Hartwell’s favorite weapon?

Gravity and shadow magic

Favorite animal - What is Ezra Hartwell’s favorite animal?

Ezra doesn't really have a favorite animal, but he likes cats because they are independent and don't bother him.

info History
Education - What is Ezra Hartwell’s level of education?

Ezra was tutored in mathematics, several languages, and history, as well as learning the basics of magic prior to his apprenticeship.

Background - What is Ezra Hartwell’s background?

Ezra was the result of his father's elopement with a commoner woman. After his mother died in childbirth, his father was convinced to come back to his family and to marry a noblewoman. Because of his "dirty blood", Ezra was treated as inferior by his family, even more so after his half-brother Constantin was born. While his father was alive, he had a sort of shield against the persecution, but it was short-lived, as his father died when Ezra was only four. However, he soon showed an extraordinary talent for magic, which gave him the leg up he needed. Despite his abilities, since Ezra was considered a blemish on the family name, his family tried to take him off their hands as quickly as possible. So, when Ezra was offered an apprenticeship from a well-known apothecary, his family accepted without a second thought. Ezra spent his time from ages fourteen to twenty apprenticed under Fabian Belmont, who taught him how to make medicines as well as poisons. Upon learning of Ezra's magical aptitude, he taught him how to better control his magic, and how to develop his powers. Those six years were blissfully uneventful, but Ezra's peaceful yet monotonous life was thrown into disarray with the arrival of a letter from an eccentric nobleman by the name of Marcus Perry, extending an offer to join an expedition to find and retrieve a legendary artifact; an artifact that could change everything.

Birthday - When is Ezra Hartwell’s birthday?

September 26

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This character was created by Nicole L on

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