info Overview
Name - What is Lydia’s full name?


Role - What is Lydia’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Lydia go by?


Gender - What is Lydia’s gender?


Age - How old is Lydia?


cake Social
Occupation - What is Lydia’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Lydia practice?


Favorite color - What is Lydia’s favorite color?

White (because it contains all other colors)

Favorite food - What is Lydia’s favorite food?

(Something very civilized/proper that she used to eat a lot with her mom, but no longer has access to)

Favorite possession - What is Lydia’s favorite possession?

(Some mysterious artifact)

Favorite weapon - What is Lydia’s favorite weapon?

Can only use magic/summoning as weapon: no actual combat.

info History
Education - What is Lydia’s level of education?


Background - What is Lydia’s background?

Born in a cave, adopted by a single mother that took care of her until she died in a flood, Lydia then went into hiding and streetratting. Lots of parallels to Aizu, except not cliche.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Lydia weigh?

Incredibly thin from malnutrition in jail

Height - How tall is Lydia?


Hair Color - What color is Lydia’s hair?

Bright green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lydia have?


Eye Color - What is Lydia’s eye color?

Changing (depending on which diety she's channeling)

Lydia: brown
Celes: white
Lucy: red
Ramuh: yellow
Levi: blue
Terra: green

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


folder_open Reality
fingerprint Nature
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

tl’dr Lydia is a powerful summoner who cannot control her powers. She was locked up after using some minor magic so they know she’s magic, but not just how powerful she is. She’s schizophrenic, and each voice she hears is a channeled diety she can eventually summon. God, devil, lightning, FF, Bahamut, etc. 

Celes = celestial being (bahamut-ish? / celestial magic)
Lucy = lucifer (fire)
Raine = Ramuh (lightning)
Levi = leviathan (water)
Terra = Terra (earth)

folder_open Abilities

This character was created by Andrew Brown on

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