info Overview
Name - What is Damian Benton’s full name?

Damian Benton

Gender - What is Damian Benton’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Damian Benton go by?

His students:

Mr. Benton
Mr. B



Age - How old is Damian Benton?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Damian Benton’s eye color?

Champagne brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Damian Benton have?


Hair Style - How does Damian Benton style their hair?

Low Fade

Hair Color - What color is Damian Benton’s hair?

Naturally a strawberry blonde, however, it is always dyed a Lavender color.

Height - How tall is Damian Benton?


Weight - How much does Damian Benton weigh?

155.46 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Damian Benton have?

He was so excited when he turned eighteen because that meant he could get tattoos! Though he doesn't have many, the few he does have are pretty big. Of course, being the nerd that he is, he got tattoos to make his right arm look as if it's being ripped open, only to reveal robotic parts underneath. On his chest on his left side, is a large rose made out of sheet music. On both of his legs, he has his dog's names ( Havoc and Ophelia ). Other than that? His favorite is probably his daughter's name, "Juno" under his left eye.

Body Type

Large, muscular, athletic.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Damian Benton’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Damian Benton have?

A few of his talents include:

  • He is a wonderful writer and can come up with a poem/short story in just a few minutes.

  • His Papa taught him how to play guitar when he was little

  • He was gifted with a beautiful singing voice.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Damian Benton have?

Damian, though not quick to get angry tends to slip back into his first language: Portuguese. He carries himself in a very confident way but is paranoid when it comes to the littlest of things.

Motivations - What motivates Damian Benton most?

Honestly, if he was asked why he does what he does, he would tell you that all he wants is for his students to express their love for literature and have fun while doing so. He loves seeing the way their eyes light up when they present a poem they've been working on or finally understand a difficult part of any piece of literature they're reading. That's what keeps him going. That and lots and lots of iced coffee.

Flaws - What flaws does Damian Benton have?

  • When he is home, whether it be over the weekend, summer vacation, or even when he comes home from a long day of teaching, he tends to throw himself into his work. He is constantly grading, making lesson plans, looking for new ways to improve his teaching method, etc. He forgets to take time for himself and take breaks. When this happens, he doesn't eat or clean his messes and usually, the only thing he actually ingests is iced coffee that Piper usually buys for him.

  • The opposite happens when he's actually at school with the kids. He is one of the most chill teachers in the school, and he's proud of that. While he throws himself into work after school, during class is a different story. Damian likes to goof off with his students, telling stories about his time in college and high school, talking about his family/friends/pets, etc. Ask him a question? He'll go on a full rant about it later on.

  • Damian LOVES kids. He was a student teacher in a class of fifth-graders while he was still in college, and he enjoys teaching high-school classes, but when he is put in a situation where he has to take care of children? He shuts down. He isn't able to function whatsoever. He doesn't trust himself to care for a baby after what happened with his daughter Juno a few years back.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Damian Benton have?

In his spare time, he likes to walk his dogs and write music/poetry.

  • He takes his dogs, Ophelia (Airedale Terrier) and Havoc ( Otterhound )

Personality type - What personality type is Damian Benton?

Damian is rather goofy and loves playing pranks on students/co-workers. When his students are obviously stressed or bored, he allows them to take breaks and puts on a movie or sings songs for them. If a student has a bad day he asks if they want to talk about it, and lets them know he thinks they are wonderful and that they should continue on with the good work. He is very protective of his students (He calls them his kids) and for most of them he takes over as a paternal role for them while they are in the school.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Damian Benton’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Damian Benton’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Damian Benton’s favorite weapon?

He is a teacher, but, like...throwing knives??

Favorite possession - What is Damian Benton’s favorite possession?

His Large book of all of Shakespeare's works.

Favorite color - What is Damian Benton’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Damian Benton’s occupation?

English Teacher

Religion - What religion does Damian Benton practice?


Job - What job does Damian Benton have?

An English teacher for grades 9-12.

info History
Education - What is Damian Benton’s level of education?

Damian graduated from Vanderbilt University

Background - What is Damian Benton’s background?


Damian was born in Madeira, Portugal. His mother and father where young when he was born and his mother quickly gave Damian up to his dad when he was a baby. When Damian's father (Rafael) was 20, and he was three, he moved to America.

When they got to America, Rafael moved into his penpals home. Rafael went to school and then got a job teaching science to high school students. This is where he met Damian's other father, Matthew, a History teacher. About three years later, they got married, and Damian was their flower boy!

 While his parents were teaching a class, he would tag along and spend his free time in either the library or in Ms. Foley's classroom (The honors English teacher ). He would sit in the back of the classroom, listening to her ramble on about authors and hidden meanings within the text. He loved it and often wrote his own stories for her to read and help correct. On his fifth birthday, Ms. Foley gave him her big book full of Shakespeare's works. It was her favorite book and wanted him to have it before she retired.

Growing up, Damian was quite popular in school. He was president of the creative writing club, he was one of the founders of his schools GSA, took part in drama club, and even played a few sports. HE had other interests as well, including music. He loved music class almost as much as he loved English class. He LOVED to write songs about almost anything and was surprisingly good at it. Around that time, Matthew decided to teach Damian how to play guitar. He wasn't the best, but with a lot of practice, he picked it up and soon after he started to play his own songs.

Due to him being quite popular, he had many friends. However, he only had one best friend, her name was Piper. She was with him through everything. His parents near divorce, his dog Pogo dying, pretty much everything. They began to date toward the end of Junior year in high school. They were the "cutest couple" in their class. Everybody loved them being together. The summer before they both started college, they partied quite a bit. This ended up with them not being the smartest..and Piper ended up pregnant.

While they weren't expecting it, they quickly bounced back from the shock and fear of raising a child and began to take action. They moved in together with the help of their parents and did everything they needed in order to make sure the baby would be happy and healthy. When the baby was born, they decided to name her Juno, because of their shared love of literature and Shakespeare. Damian and Piper both continued to go to school, Piper's mother would babysit while they were in classes or needed some time for themselves, everything was perfect. Until everything went down the drain. Piper and Damian began to fight a lot, while they both loved Juno and would never change the fact that they had her, they both agreed that they were better as friends. They continued to live together, and soon Juno turned one year old.

To celebrate their baby girls the first year of life, they decided to go visit Damian's parents. On their way there, they ended up in a car accident and Juno's wounds were too severe for her little body to recover from, and she passed away. Damian was unable to accept what happened and blamed himself for it all, and Piper assured him that it was the drunk driver's fault. He went into a deep depression and his grades dropped dramatically.

He went to therapy regularly and was diagnosed with depression and PTSD, and soon got Havoc, his service dog. With time he was able to function a bit better again with the help of his friends and family. Two years after the crash, he got a tattoo of her name under his eye, so he could make sure he'd never forget his babygirl.

After he graduated from University, he got a job near his shared apartment with Piper as an English teacher. He loved his job and the students he taught. He bought his own home and another dog named Ophelia.

Birthday - When is Damian Benton’s birthday?

September 10

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Damian Benton have?

Ophelia ( Airedale Terrier )

He also has a service dog named Havoc ( Otterhound )

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
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