info Overview
Name - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s full name?

Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)

Gender - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) go by?

Windsor (Professionally), Prick

Role - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s role in your story?

Nathaniel's brother

Age - How old is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)?

Died at the age of fifteen, but would be twenty eight if he were alive

face Looks
Race - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s race?


Eye Color - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?


Hair Style - How does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) style their hair?
Hair Color - What color is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?


Weight - How much does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) weigh?

96 pounds (hollow bones)

Height - How tall is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)?


Body Type

Athletic, Lean

Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?

Skilled flier and warrior, good with a bow and sword (which is why his main weapon is a mixture of both), Incredibly intelligent/logical

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?

He tends to stare off into space. For long periods of time. It can be a bit unnerving if you don't know him.

Motivations - What motivates Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) most?

Protecting his family and the heavens.

Flaws - What flaws does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?

Romantically oblivious, Doesn't understand people well (he's highly logical, so if you do something stupid he won't understand why), Constantly secretly worried about something

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?

All Fallen Angels are scum for one reason or another; Everything has a deeper meaning, so if someone doesn't understand something, he can and will go into the history behind it so they'll understand it fully; The meaning of life is to learn all there is to know.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?

Flying, Reading (particularly large, generally accepted as boring books like textbooks or dictionaries.), Looking for something new to understand more completely.

Personality type - What personality type is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)?

Very introverted and indifferent towards the existence of other people, Quiet, He's basically just a huge nerd. INTJ (Mastermind)

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s favorite food?

He eats only when necessary, and then whatever is readily available. Eating gets in the way of working or other, more important things.

Favorite animal - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s favorite weapon?

Sharp-ended bow

Favorite possession - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s favorite possession?

Sharp-ended Bow

Favorite color - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s favorite color?

Color doesn't mean much to him in he long run, so he hasn't really chosen a 'favorite'

Occupation - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?

He believes that he should follow the orders of whoever is his authority, but if he doesn't know them too well and their order sounds illogical, he'll point it out.

Religion - What religion does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) practice?


info History
Education - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s level of education?

Gold (Highest level of training for angels)

Background - What is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s background?

He was born in the heavens, the firstborn of Christina and Tobias Windsor. Years later, his parents had another son, named Nathaniel. Lloyd was given the middle name 'Saxon' after his grandfather. Lloyd later dies at the age of fifteen protecting Nathaniel, eight at the time, in battle.

Birthday - When is Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased)’s birthday?

January 5

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lloyd Saxon Windsor (Deceased) have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Sexuality: Asexual

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This character was created by Caustic_Fraust on

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