info Overview
Name - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s full name?

Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons

Gender - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons go by?


Role - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s eye color?

chalky grey

Hair Style - How does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons style their hair?

mid-length cropped

Hair Color - What color is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

Vibrant, green headphones around her neck or on her head and a puffy read sweater

Weight - How much does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons weigh?

she'd hit me if i said

Height - How tall is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons?

5ft 7

Body Type

she is not as fit as other heroes as she is a support hero, she does exercises a little(mostly for her job)

Skin Tone

white, lightly tanned from when she does go outside(mostly from her job)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

she is able to telepathically connect to others, but this power has no offense or defense capabilities

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

Classic Otaku

Motivations - What motivates Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons most?

She really just wants to cruise in life... but she can't help but get involved in things she becomes passionate about.

Flaws - What flaws does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

none really

Hobbies - What hobbies does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

Anime and Manga

Personality type - What personality type is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons?

is a lot of fun when you get to know her, but does close herself off to others

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s favorite food?

Top Ramen

Favorite weapon - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s favorite weapon?

her minds

Favorite color - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s favorite color?


Job - What job does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

Is a vigilante in title only, she receives commissions from bounties shes helped track

info History
Education - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s level of education?

Currently in her junior year

Background - What is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s background?

Originally she was from a large rich family. her father was the heir to the family fortune when he married her mother. Fast forward a few years and and a naive 8 year old Opal is playing in the garden. Slowly she becomes friends with 'the garden lady' who her parents think is an imaginary friend. Her parents on the other hand are receiving threats from her father's sister. She believes she id the rightful heir. A short while later her parents are forced into hiding, with Opal still at home(totally safe, security and everything, was not abandoned) Opal is in the garden when she sees 'the garden lady' again. Through coaxing she gets the parents location and reveals herself calling Opal, "...poor, sweet, naive, Opal, the girl who killed her parents." Sadly her parents are killed and she was shipped off to the (wherever the story takes place) as a piece leverage. Unfortunately with no chosen heir, everybody in the family made a move for it. When the dust settled there was no one left to remember her. Because of this she has resentment against her real name and only goes by her super name. Only close trusted individuals know her real name

Birthday - When is Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons’s birthday?

June 12

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Opal Jamesson of the West-Manchester Jamessons have?

A blue mouse she calls Jojo

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

While her powers have no offense or defensive capabilities, she can intrude on another mind and listen to their thoughts and memories, without affecting them in any way. She can make her presence known to the person whom she is listing in on. but again she has no way to hurt or protect herself from them, but she can't be hurt or defended against either


This character was created by Matthew T on

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