Ewan Bartholomew Kyam
He’s fit but not necessarily muscular. A big guy, but not a Big Guy. Kinda has a dad bod, ngl.
sandy blonde, looks red-ish in the sunlight
very short ringlets (probably used to be buzzed) to the crown of his head, from there on they're longer and more thick. when hes older, he kinda lets it grow out more for a bit.
Grows some as soon as he can lol so at like 17 lol
Sounds cliche, but icy blue
Lots of T-shirts, sweaters, vests, slacks and sweats i think. I always picture him in jade green or light blue ig.
When he laughs/chuckles he gets wrinkles beside his eyes. He has freckles across his face. He has a huge burn mark on his back from an incident a while back. He has sleeve tattoos, a tattoo partially across his chest and one that wraps around a bit of his back. Lots of tattoos lol
Sometimes he’s too nice 🥺👀 jk I just am too tired to think of a flaw right now. I love him.
ISFJ Enneagram 1w2
78% Introvert
58% observant
64% Feeling
99% judging
56% assertive
reading, spending time with people, chillin
He's kind, understanding and gentlemanly. Really ready to help out.
Uuh grew up training to be a royal guard for the Sphere’s, fell in love with the queen, he fought in war, yada yada
September 16th
Fancy Shmancy Boarding-type school till he was transferred to the actual royal academy to become a guard
Notla ig
You'd think it was blue, but he actually likes pastel yellow
Ewan was a firm catholic through most of his childhood, but has since become more of a free, grace-based Christian
I could see him loving pie
Rapier, crossbow, and he's good with a rifle
His giving is Words of Affirmation and Quality time. He's decently good and giving you whatever your receiving is tho.
He receives all well, but Physical Touch and Quality time are his favorites to receive secretly