info Overview
Name - What is Clovis James Stan’s full name?

Clovis James Stan

Other names - What other aliases does Clovis James Stan go by?

Has gone by James once or twice

Gender - What is Clovis James Stan’s gender?



He/him they/them

face Looks
Body Type

Clovis is a big, lumberjack kinda guy. He holds his weight very evenly on his body and has the perfect, huggable and hot shape, haha. You could say he has a dad bod, and, depending on your definition of that, I’d probably agree.

Weight - How much does Clovis James Stan weigh?

I’m not great with guessing weight but with his height I’m gonna say he’s around 260lbs- possibly more.

Height - How tall is Clovis James Stan?

6.2 and 1/2

Hair Color - What color is Clovis James Stan’s hair?

Perfect, dull, cowboy brown.

Hair Style - How does Clovis James Stan style their hair?

It’s a messy and uneven bob, honestly, cut just an inch above his shoulders. It’s fluffy and has a bit of wave to it.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Clovis James Stan have?

He definitely is not super clean shaven, haha, but he tries to be. I’d say after 23 years old he has a scuff 90% of the time.

Eye Color - What is Clovis James Stan’s eye color?

A very dull, rainy blue.

Race - What is Clovis James Stan’s race?


Skin Tone

He’s white but he keeps a nice tan since he’s out a lot.


You’ll see him most often in his signature, dull green hoodie with a clover on the front, and a pair of jeans. I’m sure he mostly owns boots for shoes or a pair of worn sneakers, and you’ll often see him in a ball cap. He leans towards cheap comfort, so nothing shiny or fancy.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Clovis James Stan have?

He has a few scars on his hands. Most noticeable scar is one across his left eyebrow, but it’s pretty pale. He has freckles, but they’re most noticeable in the summer.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Clovis James Stan have?

Clovis can be very bad at setting boundaries or saying no. He’s grown up giving everything always, so he finds it hard to ever go against that.

Magical Abilities



Depression is the main one, but he also has dissociative disorder (that often brings bouts of amnesia).

Personality type - What personality type is Clovis James Stan?

49% Extroverted - 51% Introverted
64% Intuitive - 36% Observant
8% Thinking - 92% Feeling
42% Judging - 58% Prospecting
49% Assertive - 51% Turbulent
He lies right on the line between extrovert and introvert, sooooo

Enneagram type 4w5

Hobbies - What hobbies does Clovis James Stan have?

Drawing, reading and journaling. Clovis loves poetry, or basically any writing.

Talents - What talents does Clovis James Stan have?

He’s really good at sketching I guess haha

Motivations - What motivates Clovis James Stan most?

He’s very passion and emotion motivated. If he feels it should be done, then he’ll get it done.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Clovis James Stan have?

He runs his hand through his hair when he’s in thought, or through someone else’s hair if they happen to be very close. He isn’t jumpy or anxious, but he does wring his hands sometimes. He gives an overwhelming amount of eye contact, and always tells the whole truth. He’s also 90% of the time holding someone’s hand.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Clovis James Stan’s favorite color?

Green 🍀

Religion - What religion does Clovis James Stan practice?

He’s not fond of big, cover-all titles, so I don’t think he’d claim a religion. He does believe in God, but is not a practicing Christian nor would he want to be associated with the majority of them.

Favorite food - What is Clovis James Stan’s favorite food?


Love Language

Clovis is great at giving and receiving all, but his favorite on both ends is physical touch.

info History
Background - What is Clovis James Stan’s background?

Clovis grew up in Amst Solovia with abusive parents. He saw his mother killed around age 10 and when he was 12 he took his two younger brothers and ran away. They struggled, but he worked to keep them fed and alive. When he was fifteen, a friend joined them after leaving an abusive household herself. Her and Clovis eventually grew a romantic relationship, but it was very dysfunctional and unhealthy. Later, they had two kids together, but they were unfortunately separated over time. A few years later he married a different woman and settled down to have a stable life in Notla.

Birthday - When is Clovis James Stan’s birthday?

February 16th

Education - What is Clovis James Stan’s level of education?

We’ll call him “self taught”

device_hub Family
Birth home/country/planet

Amst, Solovia

Current home/country/planet


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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