info Overview
Name - What is Rurik Aeducan’s full name?

Rurik Aeducan

Other names - What other aliases does Rurik Aeducan go by?

Prince Rurik

Role - What is Rurik Aeducan’s role in your story?

One of the six Grey Wardens to help stop the Fifth Blight. The Ruler.

Age - How old is Rurik Aeducan?


Gender - What is Rurik Aeducan’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Rurik Aeducan style their hair?

Mid length, with braid on each side

Hair Color - What color is Rurik Aeducan’s hair?

Dirty blonde

Height - How tall is Rurik Aeducan?


Weight - How much does Rurik Aeducan weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rurik Aeducan have?


Body Type

Short and stocky, very muscular

Skin Tone

Light tan

Linked Races

Race - What is Rurik Aeducan’s race?


Eye Color - What is Rurik Aeducan’s eye color?

Stone gray

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Rurik Aeducan have?

Long beard with center braid

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Rurik Aeducan have?

Prejudice against those of lower castes. Being born into House Aeducan, Rurik was raised to believe there was no one better than his family. House Aeducan has produced a Paragon and five rulers, including Rurik's own father. While he's friends with his loyal second, he still believes other castes are of lower importance than himself. He especially hates casteless, following the belief that most do that they are stains on the stone.



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rurik Aeducan have?

Cocky, but respectful and honorable. He holds himself in the highest esteem and won't let anyone tell him otherwise. However, he was raised to respect his elders... his older brother Trian excepted.

Motivations - What motivates Rurik Aeducan most?

Pride, glory, honor, power. While he knows that his brother Trian will be the next king, Rurik still desires power. He has recently received the title of Commander and seeks to reach second in command only to Trian. If he could get Trian out of the way and become king, he wouldn't complain there either.

Flaws - What flaws does Rurik Aeducan have?

Reckless. Rurik tends to be very headstrong and while he feels as though he's weighing his options, he tends to only see the first two options available.

Talents - What talents does Rurik Aeducan have?

Two handed weapon training, some shield training, political knowledge. Not only does he know how to use a maul, but also how to play The Game.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Rurik Aeducan have?

Dining, women's company. Rurik finds himself too busy for most leisure activities, but he does have things he enjoys. He always loves a good fight, but he really enjoys food and women most. He'll always make time for a good tumble.

Personality type - What personality type is Rurik Aeducan?

ESTJ-A The Executive
Rurik is a steadfast upholder - upholder of tradition, the truth, what is right, and most importantly, of image. He believes things have an order and a way they should be. Albeit that it isn't easy to find order in a place like Orzammar, but following tradition helps fill in those gaps. Prone more to what he sees than reading into things, Rurik thinks very straightforward. He isn't a fan of change or of trying new things. Emotions aren't his strong suit either. His thinking can often get in the way of sympathizing with others. He also prefers to plan ahead. When things happen without warning, it can really get under his skin.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Rurik Aeducan’s favorite color?

Gold, not because of money, but because gold has always been used to signify royalty and power. Gold is the color of the one on top of the food chain.

Favorite weapon - What is Rurik Aeducan’s favorite weapon?

War hammer, he has used a war hammer since he was able to lift it. He's always preferred the power hits over the cuts of a blade. Blades stop with resistance, a maul must be dodged to avoid a hit. And even on a block, it still does damage. He has learned to be quick with his hammer and let the hammer carry his strike when necessary and when he needs to, he'll use his body to change the course of his strike.

Favorite possession - What is Rurik Aeducan’s favorite possession?

His war hammer. While his brother Trian had his hammer handed down to him from his father's family, Rurik had an old smith friend craft his. The craft was masterly done and Rurik decided he would keep it as his main weapon. Shortly after, his smith friend was killed during a political squabble. Now, Rurik prizes his hammer even more.

Occupation - What is Rurik Aeducan’s occupation?

Commander of Orzammar

Politics - What politics does Rurik Aeducan have?

Believes honor is earned, power is to be used, and ends justify means

Religion - What religion does Rurik Aeducan practice?

Believes in ancestors and Paragons

info History
Background - What is Rurik Aeducan’s background?

Born into one of the most powerful houses in Orzammar, Rurik had a standard to live up to from the moment he took his first breath. He could not survive on the weight of his name alone - he had to hold that name up with all his might. Idolizing his father and those that came before him, Rurik has wanted nothing more than to be a great ruler. He understands that there are steps and is making the most of each one as he goes. While he does not have much respect for his brother Trian, he does have respect for the ways of his culture. His current step is into the role of Commander. One of which he gets to really call the shots and show his true prowess outside of physical battle.

Education - What is Rurik Aeducan’s level of education?

Taught by best scholars in Orzammar

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This character was created by Austin on

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