vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Roger Chester’s full name?

Roger Chester

Role - What is Roger Chester’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Roger Chester?


Gender - What is Roger Chester’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Roger Chester go by?


palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Roger Chester’s eye color?

Forest green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Roger Chester have?

Clean shaven/none

Hair Style - How does Roger Chester style their hair?

Dreaded on the top, and short shaved hair on the side :>

Hair Color - What color is Roger Chester’s hair?

Rusty orange, highlighted with darker browns

Height - How tall is Roger Chester?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Roger Chester have?

None, other than half of his body being mechanical parts

Body Type


Skin Tone

Dark Amber

Race - What is Roger Chester’s race?

Cyborg (Jamaican/Irish)

Weight - How much does Roger Chester weigh?

300 lbs, considering the metal in his body

extension Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Roger Chester?

Executive (ESTJ-T)

Dedicated, strong-willed, direct and honest. Roger, as a cyborg programmed to follow orders, is no less than perfect. (Is what I would say if the emotional part that makes him human was properly removed.) Roger developed a hard working personality, but deep down that's how he'd always been, it was just amplified after what he's been through. Roger is direct and honest with others, but he internalizes his human half and turns down taking a break. He's judgmental of others inferior to him and is highly focused on his social status. He may be patient at times, but when frustrated, Roger grows unbelievably impatient. He is stubborn and unwavering, carrying one belief and sticking to it on blind faith. Holding a conversation with him can be difficult because he doesn't focus on outside activity. Rather, Roger keeps to himself, but is always ready to defend himself to the death.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Roger Chester have?

One might consider Roger's orders as his hobbies, as he does them so often and does not consider them a chore.

Talents - What talents does Roger Chester have?

Roger was taught melee combat, hand to hand fighting, and range attacks with his handgun, and drilled precision into him until it became second nature to him.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Roger Chester have?


Roger was taught to believe that some people are just born better than others, and Roger soon develops and Aristocratic view on society.

Flaws - What flaws does Roger Chester have?

Roger might hesitate sometimes. Normally he'll follow all of commander's orders without question, but when his emotions kick in, he second guesses himself. It's something he's been ordered to stop doing, but after awhile, he even started to second guess his authority. His mind is pulled this way and that as he struggles to figure out who he should be listening to; blind faith or his own heart?

Motivations - What motivates Roger Chester most?

Whatever commander says, but once his loyalty to commander starts to falter, Roger gains a new motivation; keep his family safe. Roger starts to question his morals and struggles with how he'll go about keeping his family safe, but he hopes they'll aid him in bringing his morals back to check.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Roger Chester have?

Stiff, confident, not minding others, not really one to have any nervous habits or absent-minded mannerisms.

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Roger Chester’s favorite color?

He sees a lot of cyan, so that's what he enjoys, however, orange is also his second favorite color, despite it being associated with such negative things in his daily life.

Religion - What religion does Roger Chester practice?

Roger doesn't really think about religion, and if he were to be asked about a higher power, he would only answer with, "You mean the Commander?"

Politics - What politics does Roger Chester have?

Despite being Executive Officer, Roger is not aware of political differences.

Occupation - What is Roger Chester’s occupation?

Guard/Executive Officer

Favorite food - What is Roger Chester’s favorite food?

Roger doesn't eat, but he likes smelling barbecue in the distance.

Favorite possession - What is Roger Chester’s favorite possession?

One day, while patrolling the garbage area, Roger found a barely survived photo album with an interesting family in it. He took it home and keeps it hidden, but occasionally he'll take it out to try to piece together the story of the family.

Favorite weapon - What is Roger Chester’s favorite weapon?

Hand Gun
(As in a gun installed in his hand,,,,,,heh)

Favorite animal - What is Roger Chester’s favorite animal?

The police dogs are the only animals he really sees, so his favorite is the German Shepherd.

import_contacts History
Background - What is Roger Chester’s background?

Roger Chester was a simple man in the 60's (2067, to be precise). He was offered to take a simple survey and earn 50 Foirs for it. Young and desperate for money, he took the survey. Little did he know, the people that offered him this survey was actually a secret organization based on human experiments. Roger was one of the first few to undergo the official surgical transition into a cyborg, but near the ending his surgery was interrupted. The employees immediately noticed what they failed to complete; extracting Roger's emotions. Considering the employees were unable to finish the surgery, Roger was marked to be trashed. However, Roger convinced the employees that he could excel in his job. They kept him, but they are much more harsh on him then they are on the complete cyborgs, because he overstated his abilities in order to convince the organization that he was worthy. After a few decades, this organization grew public and popular, and rapidly began to grow. By the year 2098, this organization became the new government. Roger was high in his authority and has gained the title "Executive Officer".

Education - What is Roger Chester’s level of education?

IQ- 200+

Information is just updated to his mind

Birthday - When is Roger Chester’s birthday?

Unknown, but he was activated on September 28

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Roger Chester have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
local_laundry_service Wardrobe

Roger does not have a formal outfit


Usually a grey-ish green t-shirt, which is messy and worn, but Roger refuses to wash it, along with combat boots and brown pants

Casual 2



No shirt, brown pants

local_hospital Health
school Education
camera Color HTML Codes
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Skin: #944C36
Hair: #A24A1F
Eye (Right): #1C7635
Eye (Left): #FE1010
Clothing: #79A5B2
Mechanic Parts (Varies): #A2ADBD

language Trivia
format_quote Languages
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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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