info Overview
Name - What is Mike’s full name?


Role - What is Mike’s role in your story?

Leader of the Deorn Hunters

Age - How old is Mike?


Gender - What is Mike’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Mike go by?

Boss, Sir, Dogsblood (an old name that others gave him, he rarely uses it anymore)

face Looks
Race - What is Mike’s race?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mike have?

definite beard and slight mustache

Hair Style - How does Mike style their hair?

Short in back, little bit longer in front

Hair Color - What color is Mike’s hair?

Dark red-brown

Weight - How much does Mike weigh?


Eye Color - What is Mike’s eye color?


Extras (wings, tails, horns, etc.)


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mike have?

None really.
Later he loses his left arm.

Body Type

Muscly, not overly bulky.

Skin Tone

Fair, tanned

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Mike have?

Doesn't like the press, politicians, uber-rich spoiled ppl, animal-rights-activists (they think he's doing bad things but he ain't), giggly females, and ppl who don't do teamwork. Will be instantly triggered if you mention suicide.

Theme Song(s)

Rag 'n Bone Man - Human
Can't Take Me - Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron Soundtrack


He miiiight actually be some kind of sociopath, come to think of it. Low level emotions, no qualms about violence, easily thinks objectively, good at running a business (okay, that last one's a bit of a stereotype).

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mike have?

-Says 'mm' instead of yes
-thinks of everything
-very ace
-demiromantic? haven't decided yet
-sometimes accused of being emotionless
-is NOT emotionless, just distant
-sincerely cares about every one of his employees and friends
-thinks too much fuss is made about gender and romance
-still respectful and supportive about it
-does not have a regular sleep cycle
-sometimes he naps in the middle of the day
-or is wide awake late at night
-when he can't sleep, he takes walks or does small chores to wind down

Motivations - What motivates Mike most?

To keep the business going well, even after he's gone.

Flaws - What flaws does Mike have?

Will say what's on his mind, a little too quick to use threats, only cares about himself and his hunters (this changes over time), and has killed people and feels no remorse. Oops. Also, when it comes to romantic situations, he's completely out of his element. He's always prided himself in his inability to be distracted or tempted by romantic advances, and the thought of actually being in an intimate relationship makes him uncomfortable. He gets defensive and avoids the subject if someone tries to suggest that his standards for a relationship might be a bit too strict.

Talents - What talents does Mike have?

Combat, hunting, strategics, business-management, being hyper-alert without getting stressed or worn-out.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mike have?

none, really. Sees no point in doing something that isn't directly productive. You might call training and sparring his hobby, by a stretch.

Personality type - What personality type is Mike?

I actually went to 16Personalities and tested him. He's a Commander Personality (ENTJ -A/-T). It fits perfectly lol.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Mike’s favorite possession?

is the least materialistic man. could get rid of his best knife/best boots/entire house in an instant if he needed to.

Favorite weapon - What is Mike’s favorite weapon?

Hunting knife/tranq gun

Favorite food - What is Mike’s favorite food?

loves baked potatoes.

Favorite color - What is Mike’s favorite color?

pff, idk. green and gold, I guess.

Occupation - What is Mike’s occupation?

Deorn Hunter

Politics - What politics does Mike have?

Runs his business with himself and his hunters in mind, nothing else. Politicians be screwed.
they're all a buncha big babies anyway.

Alliances/Business Partners

Walker Clay, the Landowners, Datapool, the Southern Clans, a certain telephone company, the Truckers--yeah, lots of big names and groups.

Religion - What religion does Mike practice?

nebulous, if any. Possibly nature-based? But the nature spirits hate him, so...


English, little bit of Spanish for the sake of convenience.

Favorite animal - What is Mike’s favorite animal?

likes dogs.

info History
Education - What is Mike’s level of education?

went to school for about five years of his life. Has specialized knowledge in combat, survival, and leadership.

Background - What is Mike’s background?

Born in Colorado before the Discovery (of magic). Grew up during the Deornian War(which destroyed the country). Lost his entire family. Doesn't ever talk about his past, but not because it bothers him. (lol, Mike why you always lying)

Birthday - When is Mike’s birthday?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mike have?


shopping_basket Inventory

Tends to wear whatever warm, tough, practical clothes he can scrounge up. Army/hunting gear is especially coveted. Bonus points if the colors match the current terrain.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Luke is actually his grandfather, but he basically raised Mike from childhood so he's more of a father-figure than Mike's real dad ever was. Similarly, Nina is in fact his grandmother, but I don't have a file on his real mom yet and she was also a fairly absent parent.

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Mike

Character chevron_right Children link linked Mike

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Mike

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Mike

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mike

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Mike

This character was created by The Dust on

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