info Overview
Name - What is Aza/Adeline?’s full name?


Gender - What is Aza/Adeline?’s gender?


Role - What is Aza/Adeline?’s role in your story?

"fallen angel"

Age - How old is Aza/Adeline??


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aza/Adeline? have?

she tends to take up a lot of space wherever she is, sprawled out limbs/wings, center of the room, a bright powerful feminine voice, can be a little touchy-feeling & disregards personal bubbles

Motivations - What motivates Aza/Adeline? most?

she wants to please, succeed, be the best. to be seen and adored. she just wants to be a different person, forget her guilt.

Flaws - What flaws does Aza/Adeline? have?

an extremely bitter, impatient person, although very facetious about it & masks it with her performative personality

Talents - What talents does Aza/Adeline? have?

well if she succeeds in becoming an angel she gets a bunch of sick angel powers like regeneration n healing broken hearts n stuff like that; but shes prob gonna fail so idk

Personality type - What personality type is Aza/Adeline??

something about her is unreal, fake...but in an enchanting way.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Aza/Adeline?’s occupation?

an aspiring angel! shes new to the industry where they turn u into an "angel" think of it like the modeling industry its really grueling

info History
Background - What is Aza/Adeline?’s background?

She came from a different place/time/somewhere? A tragedy happens and her little sister dies in a fire. Aza blames herself for not being there in time, the guilt torments her. She would do anything to forget. So she registers to an angel agency to ..become an angel. If successful, angels forget all memories of their past life, and live forever.

The downside is that failing in the angel industry has some gruesome repercussions. The longer it takes for u to become an angel (and slowly forget ur memories of ur past life) the more susceptible u are to becoming a demon. basically it's like this super stressful race against time where you're trying so hard (esp in her case) to forget ur memories n become perfect bc u have this constant fear that u can become some evil demon if u dont. a VERY high risk high reward situation

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history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Rae on

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