info Overview
Name - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s full name?

Daniel Gerard Park

Role - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Daniel Gerard Park go by?


Age - How old is Daniel Gerard Park?


Gender - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s gender?


face Looks
Race - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s race?

Korean American

Eye Color - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s eye color?

dark brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Daniel Gerard Park have?


Hair Style - How does Daniel Gerard Park style their hair?

messy overgrown beiber cut

Weight - How much does Daniel Gerard Park weigh?


Height - How tall is Daniel Gerard Park?


Hair Color - What color is Daniel Gerard Park’s hair?

originally black but dyes it copper red

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Daniel Gerard Park have?

Has a few burn marks across his neckline from a cosplaying costume that went wrong.

Body Type

Lean only works out when Neal forces him to. Tries to hide in the locker room though.

Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Daniel Gerard Park have?

Daniel creates random sound effects for everything he feels and does. Often when you ask him how he's doing he will respond with arm flailing and dying whale noises.

Flaws - What flaws does Daniel Gerard Park have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Daniel Gerard Park have?

Gaming, cosplaying, watching action movies as well as anime.

Personality type - What personality type is Daniel Gerard Park?

ENFJ type 6w7

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s favorite color?

Black and dark gray

Favorite animal - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s favorite animal?

Tigers and Wolves

Favorite weapon - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s favorite weapon?

Samurai Sword *doesn't actually know how to use one he just thinks it's cool.

Favorite possession - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s favorite possession?

A replica of the shark fin from the movie Jaws

Favorite food - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s favorite food?

Bacon or Doritos

Occupation - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Daniel Gerard Park have?

Follows his parents line of thinking and just asks them who to vote for.

Religion - What religion does Daniel Gerard Park practice?

Growing up his grandmother made him attend church on Easter and Christmas. Occasionally he was forced to attend a youth group, but he didn't like it.

info History
Birthday - When is Daniel Gerard Park’s birthday?

July 23, 1999

Background - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s background?

Northern California Sacramento area

Education - What is Daniel Gerard Park’s level of education?

Community College

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Daniel Gerard Park have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

ENFJ Type 6w7 Former emo, may still be a emo. Tries to be vegetarian but fails. Really loves bacon and Doritos straight from the bag. Owns both an Xbox and a PlayStation. Never a wii cause that's lame. Collected Pokémon cards until high school. Mac and cheese is his comfort food. The type to kill his sims. He's only 19 but his mind is older.

folder_open Favorite Songs
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Deadcrush AltJ
All of Danger Days by My Chemical Romance
Every Snowflakes Different Just Like You My Chemical Romance


This character was created by Diana and Anne's Movie on

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