info Overview
Name - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s full name?

Luna Ikapo Starflower

Gender - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Luna Ikapo Starflower go by?

Lulu (by Gladion), Luna,

Role - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s role in your story?

Main Protagonist

Age - How old is Luna Ikapo Starflower?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Luna Ikapo Starflower style their hair?

Straight and short (to shoulders)

Hair Color - What color is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s hair?

Very dark violet

Height - How tall is Luna Ikapo Starflower?

4 feet

Weight - How much does Luna Ikapo Starflower weigh?

70 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

Scar on left cheek, scar on right eye, scar on lip (from experiments by Prisma), smaller breasts than most humans

Body Type

Slightly chubby

Skin Tone


Race - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s race?


Eye Color - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s eye color?

Bright blue with a very slight hint of purple

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

She will never fit in society due to acting different from most humans

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

Cat-like mannerisms, like sniffing random objects and "scratching" (her best friend is a cat Pokemon)

Motivations - What motivates Luna Ikapo Starflower most?

Love for adventure, wanting to know about her birth race more

Flaws - What flaws does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

Awkward, naive, physically weak, doesn't know much about society, becomes aggressive easily, socially awkward

Talents - What talents does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

Visions of the past, usually through another person's eyes, cat-like agility

Hobbies - What hobbies does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

Watching the stars and moon at night, playing with Pokemon, gathering Berries

Personality type - What personality type is Luna Ikapo Starflower?

Friendly, but if she is angered, you won't like it

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s favorite food?

Pecha Berries

Favorite animal - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s favorite animal?

She loves all Pokemon

Favorite weapon - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s favorite weapon?

Knife carved from obsidian in the wild

Favorite possession - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s favorite possession?

Her hat

Favorite color - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s occupation?

Criminal hunter

Religion - What religion does Luna Ikapo Starflower practice?

Worships Arceus, Lunala, and Solgaleo

info History
Birthday - When is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s birthday?

July 20

Background - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s background?

Luna is the youngest child of her mother, who died giving birth to Luna, and her father, who was murdered when Luna was 2 years old. She was given sleeping drugs and amnesia drugs to forget her dark past and sent to the wild at the age of 4 to hide her from the Prism Cult, where she was raised by a Tapu Lele and quickly met Kekini, her Litten and best friend. Luna was a bad hunter like Kekini, so she set traps for Rattata and Pikipek to catch them. Luna did know of her origin, and was afraid to look weird around humans, so she hid from them. When the Prism Cult found her when she was 8, Luna was sent to live in a secret forest in Melemele Island. Soon after that, she met Gladion, and the two became fast friends. Gladion taught Luna how to speak like a human.

Education - What is Luna Ikapo Starflower’s level of education?

Luna grew up in the wild, so she doesn't know much about society.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Luna Ikapo Starflower have?

Kekini (Litten) (female)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Battle
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Luna Ikapo Starflower

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This character was created by The Seliph-loving Gryffindor who also loves dragons and cats on

See more from The Seliph-loving Gryffindor who also loves dragons and cats
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