account_circle Overview
Name - What is Tiger's Eye’s full name?

Tiger's Eye

Other names - What other aliases does Tiger's Eye go by?


Gender - What is Tiger's Eye’s gender?


Age - How old is Tiger's Eye?

Best to be kept unknown, as it'll boggle you

Voice Type

Gruff, but kind, could be described as ???

face Looks
Weight - How much does Tiger's Eye weigh?


Height - How tall is Tiger's Eye?


Hair Color - What color is Tiger's Eye’s hair?

Oak brown and gold-yellow

Hair Style - How does Tiger's Eye style their hair?

Long, sleek and straight

Eye Color - What is Tiger's Eye’s eye color?

Golden yellow

Race - What is Tiger's Eye’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean but muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Tiger's Eye have?

Brown stripes

pets Mammal Looks
pets Bird Looks
gesture Dragon Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Tiger's Eye have?

-Plays with hair when nervous
-Squeaks when startled
-Can often be found outside in a tree
You know, the usual

Motivations - What motivates Tiger's Eye most?

Helping her family and tending to her friends.
She doesn't want anyone to be treated like she was.

Flaws - What flaws does Tiger's Eye have?

You rarely see her stand up for herself.
Makes friends easily but has trouble keeping them.
She wants to trust you but can't always do so.

Talents - What talents does Tiger's Eye have?

Excessive senses.
Blending into her environment.
Can use it to her advantage.

Personality type - What personality type is Tiger's Eye?

Kind, caring, not the brightest when it comes to things outside her field of work.
OOPS! You looked at her for more than three seconds. she's your mom now.


Anxiety, PTSD, :D

groups Social
Occupation - What is Tiger's Eye’s occupation?

Scout (Formerly)

Favorite color - What is Tiger's Eye’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Tiger's Eye’s favorite weapon?

Bahh nakh, tiger claws

Job - What job does Tiger's Eye have?

Scout, lookout, and soldier.

date_range History
Background - What is Tiger's Eye’s background?

she got fucked up real good

She was abused by Actinolite because she was so weak she couldn't even summon her weapon. (she could do so but she has to focus on life forces of creatures and plants around her) and when I mean abuse I mean daily bullshit that would definitely kill a human.

Be nice to her or her girlfriend will kill you

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Tiger's Eye

Item chevron_right Original Owners link linked Tiger's Eye

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Tiger's Eye

This character was created by The Painted Wings on

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