info Overview
Name - What is Akalae Kaalo’s full name?

Akalae Kaalo

Role - What is Akalae Kaalo’s role in your story?

Supporting character

Other names - What other aliases does Akalae Kaalo go by?

'Lae [Lay], 'Kalae

Gender - What is Akalae Kaalo’s gender?


Age - How old is Akalae Kaalo?


face Looks
Skin Tone

Dark brown

Race - What is Akalae Kaalo’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Akalae Kaalo have?

His face is registered first, before anything else. His small face made his eyes, nose, and lips look fuller. His ears stick out endearingly from his head.

Height - How tall is Akalae Kaalo?

5'6" (167.74 cm)

Hair Style - How does Akalae Kaalo style their hair?

Short, fluffy

Hair Color - What color is Akalae Kaalo’s hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Akalae Kaalo have?

A few whiskers are starting to grow above his lip.

Eye Color - What is Akalae Kaalo’s eye color?


Body Type

Lean but far from frail

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Akalae Kaalo have?

Marksmanship, swimming

Motivations - What motivates Akalae Kaalo most?

Seeing his people free from turmoil against the Empire.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Akalae Kaalo have?

  • Can't pronounce 'ng', and sometimes 'th', because these sounds don't exist in his native tongue.

  • Mumbles native folk songs/rhymes under his breath when prepping for something that makes him nervous.

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Akalae Kaalo have?

Islander rebel

Occupation - What is Akalae Kaalo’s occupation?


Job - What job does Akalae Kaalo have?

Personal Servant

Favorite food - What is Akalae Kaalo’s favorite food?

  • Kilawin

  • Brie cheese

Favorite color - What is Akalae Kaalo’s favorite color?

Blue - it reminds him of the waters from home

Favorite animal - What is Akalae Kaalo’s favorite animal?

Kingfisher birds

info History
Education - What is Akalae Kaalo’s level of education?

Educated in hunting and basic academics (math, writing, etc) in Naaneu Kaea.

Background - What is Akalae Kaalo’s background?

When the war came to Spear island with no end in sight, the Hoa's sent Akalae to Aventure for work. Akalae sends his wages back to his family to fuel the rebellion against Erudel.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

His family is quite famous on Spear island. They were one of the most generous and community-minded families, and were reliable in a fight. Hence the name Kaalo, for 'friend'.

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