info Overview
Name - What is Achlys Mathias’s full name?

Achlys Mathias

Other names - What other aliases does Achlys Mathias go by?


Role - What is Achlys Mathias’s role in your story?

One of main

Age - How old is Achlys Mathias?


Gender - What is Achlys Mathias’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Achlys Mathias have?


Hair Style - How does Achlys Mathias style their hair?

wrestling braids

Hair Color - What color is Achlys Mathias’s hair?

brownish gold

Height - How tall is Achlys Mathias?


Weight - How much does Achlys Mathias weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Achlys Mathias have?

scars on her back

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Achlys Mathias’s race?


Eye Color - What is Achlys Mathias’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Achlys Mathias have?

sewing, strength

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Achlys Mathias have?


Motivations - What motivates Achlys Mathias most?


Flaws - What flaws does Achlys Mathias have?

mean spirited, smoker,

Prejudices - What prejudices does Achlys Mathias have?

surprisingly open minded

Hobbies - What hobbies does Achlys Mathias have?


Personality type - What personality type is Achlys Mathias?

ex-bully, easily quits

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Achlys Mathias’s favorite weapon?

Her fists

Favorite food - What is Achlys Mathias’s favorite food?

ceaser salad

Favorite color - What is Achlys Mathias’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Achlys Mathias’s occupation?

fights for money in dark alleys

Politics - What politics does Achlys Mathias have?

She is her greatest strength, she is worst weakness

Religion - What religion does Achlys Mathias practice?


info History
Education - What is Achlys Mathias’s level of education?

high school

Background - What is Achlys Mathias’s background?

sexually abused by her father, until she was found to be an insomnimord. Prefers staying in school now.

Birthday - When is Achlys Mathias’s birthday?

april 23

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

The following article is talking about Achlys during her nekros

'Insomnimords are truly disguising humans, with strange abilities that are beyond norm and a desire to kill, these monsters draw no line, It seems as Achlys Methias, aged only 12, is keen to prove. Achlys, a seemingly simple girl from Athens, showed no sign of being an Insomnimord, until she was found devouring her own kind.

"I saw her carrying a boy like something was wrong with his legs, but I know her and she's not the caring kind, so I called the police." Mrs. Pawnr of the house next to the Methias' claimed, as well as saying that she hadn't seen how the other bodies had gotten there.

When our people at the 'Southern European Times' had shown up to investigate at the Methias house, we had found and recognized 13 bodies. We ask families who have lost loved ones to check whether 8 unidentified bodies belong to them. Achlys, overwhelmed by the parts of people she had eaten is yet to wake up.

"She won't remember the event when she wakes up and will be sent to Japan for proper training of her control." Dr. Neha assures.

Rumors of what they really teach at those schools have been circling around for years, but the psychiatrists still refuse to tell us anything other than 'standard syllabus and training'. Whether this is true or not remains a mystery. In con-'

folder_open Insolitae


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