info Overview
Name - What is Spencer Brown’s full name?

Spencer Brown

Other names - What other aliases does Spencer Brown go by?

Mr. Brown, Brownie, Spence

Role - What is Spencer Brown’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Spencer Brown?


Gender - What is Spencer Brown’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Spencer Brown have?

Grizzled beard and mustache, short.

Hair Style - How does Spencer Brown style their hair?

Long, light, combed back.

Hair Color - What color is Spencer Brown’s hair?

Light brown

Height - How tall is Spencer Brown?

6' 2"

Weight - How much does Spencer Brown weigh?

175 lb.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Spencer Brown have?

Long face, circular glasses.

Body Type

Average, built. Long torso.

Skin Tone

Tan. White.

Race - What is Spencer Brown’s race?

Predominately Caucasian, Germanic

Eye Color - What is Spencer Brown’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Spencer Brown have?

The world is cruel and corruption is everywhere, does not see this in himself. (this pride is unconscious)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Spencer Brown have?

Very formal, elegant. Knows when and when not to have a smile on his face. Carries himself highly.

Motivations - What motivates Spencer Brown most?

Doing what he thinks is right: betterment of the world.

Flaws - What flaws does Spencer Brown have?

Takes matters into his own hands too often; believes everything is his responsibility.

Talents - What talents does Spencer Brown have?

Reading emotions, security, gun skills.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Spencer Brown have?

Chess, reading studies, puzzles, educating.

Personality type - What personality type is Spencer Brown?

As a councilor should be: friendly and warm, but very serious when it matters. Likable and approachable.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Spencer Brown’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Spencer Brown’s favorite weapon?

1911 Pistol.

Favorite possession - What is Spencer Brown’s favorite possession?

His coat, he carries it with him everywhere he goes.

Favorite color - What is Spencer Brown’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Spencer Brown’s occupation?

Student councilor, undercover FBI agent.

Politics - What politics does Spencer Brown have?

None. Tends to be more liberal.

Religion - What religion does Spencer Brown practice?


Favorite animal - What is Spencer Brown’s favorite animal?

His pet gerbil, Henry.

info History
Background - What is Spencer Brown’s background?

Brown has always worked for the government. Originally wanting to be a professor of law, decided to work for the FBI instead. Eventually, after years of work, becomes an agent that specializes in defense work. These days have passed, but he still technically works as an undercover FBI agent in order to study special peoples. Was placed in Echoes Uni, and balanced work as a councilor (appointed by government) with psychology studies.

Education - What is Spencer Brown’s level of education?

Masters in Security Management and Psychology (latter is accelerated)

Birthday - When is Spencer Brown’s birthday?

October 9th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Spencer Brown have?

Pet gerbil, Henry.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Has never met a special person before Chris.

  • Predominantly raised by his father, divorced parents

  • Has had a girlfriend before, but has never settled down and is unmarried.

  • Lives in government-paid apartment.

  • Has shot someone during his time as a true FBI agent, but never killed anyone.

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