info Overview
Name - What is Amanda Beolet’s full name?

Amanda Beolet

Other names - What other aliases does Amanda Beolet go by?


Role - What is Amanda Beolet’s role in your story?

Love Intrest

Age - How old is Amanda Beolet?


Gender - What is Amanda Beolet’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amanda Beolet have?


Hair Style - How does Amanda Beolet style their hair?


Hair Color - What color is Amanda Beolet’s hair?

Bright blonde

Height - How tall is Amanda Beolet?


Weight - How much does Amanda Beolet weigh?

110 lb

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amanda Beolet have?

Small nose and large eyes, glowing skin and hair

Body Type

Lean, skinny

Skin Tone


Race - What is Amanda Beolet’s race?

Caucasian, Germanic

Eye Color - What is Amanda Beolet’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Amanda Beolet have?

Assumes things; assumes she will be with Chris

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amanda Beolet have?

Polite and elegant; conservative. Touchy with people she loves.

Motivations - What motivates Amanda Beolet most?

Success, for her and her loved ones

Flaws - What flaws does Amanda Beolet have?

She idolizes too much. In her eyes, Chris is perfect. Sometimes think too highly of people. Pure

Talents - What talents does Amanda Beolet have?

Great speaker, good at expressing herself. Logistical thinker. Great cook.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Amanda Beolet have?

Likes playing board games. Enjoys debating. Likes to go out with friends and meet new people. Also loves cooking, often making meals for her friends.

Personality type - What personality type is Amanda Beolet?

Extrovert, yet sensible and sensitive in a positive like. Tries to look at people in a good way. Approachable

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Amanda Beolet’s favorite food?

Any kind of creamy pasta

Favorite weapon - What is Amanda Beolet’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Amanda Beolet’s favorite possession?

Necklace gifted to her from her grandmother.

Favorite color - What is Amanda Beolet’s favorite color?

Baby blue

Occupation - What is Amanda Beolet’s occupation?

College student. Studying business. Also helps manage a restaurant from a family, looks to purchase it after graduation.

Politics - What politics does Amanda Beolet have?

Conservative-liberal. Flexible

Religion - What religion does Amanda Beolet practice?

Christian, non-religious

Favorite animal - What is Amanda Beolet’s favorite animal?

Her dog, Named Fuffy

info History
Background - What is Amanda Beolet’s background?

Caucasian, Germanic. From Knoxville, Tennessee.

Education - What is Amanda Beolet’s level of education?

High college level, attends Echoes Uni and previously attended University of California. Attended New Heights High School in Knoxville.

Birthday - When is Amanda Beolet’s birthday?

May 27th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Amanda Beolet have?

Maltipoo dog, Fuffy

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Q: Why did she leave Uni of Cali?
A: Plethora of reasons. Money was one, she had already received an accelerated degree in the Uni, she had a business opportunity in NJ from relatives. Also, did not enjoy the campus and only made a few friends. No real connection.

Was Chris's girlfriend before they left to college. They broke up peacefully, but jumped at the opportunity to see him and rekindle their relationship again in Echoes.

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