info Overview
Name - What is Oyoyo Gamble’s full name?

Oyoyo Gamble

Role - What is Oyoyo Gamble’s role in your story?

Main character/ hero

Age - How old is Oyoyo Gamble?


Gender - What is Oyoyo Gamble’s gender?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Oyoyo Gamble weigh?

185 lbs (Including wings)

Height - How tall is Oyoyo Gamble?

5 feet, 10 inches

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Oyoyo Gamble have?

Monster slaying, lifting weights, running, flying

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Oyoyo Gamble have?

Slightly aggressive at times, very social and extroverted, can be humorous and friendly

Motivations - What motivates Oyoyo Gamble most?

Anger, friendship, love, adrenaline

Flaws - What flaws does Oyoyo Gamble have?

Desire for revenge, anger, sometimes a little brutal

Talents - What talents does Oyoyo Gamble have?

Fighting and strength

Personality type - What personality type is Oyoyo Gamble?

Passionate, adventurous, spontaneous, outgoing, fearless, ENTP

groups Social
info History
Background - What is Oyoyo Gamble’s background?

Mom is a psychic fortune teller. Dad was a fighter. He was killed in battle. Oyoyo misses him and has taken many qualities from him. Oyoyo has become a fighter for her tribe and wants nothing but to be the best.

Birthday - When is Oyoyo Gamble’s birthday?

July 13th

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Ren on

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