info Overview
Name - What is Estelle Gaumond’s full name?

Estelle Gaumond

Age - How old is Estelle Gaumond?


Gender - What is Estelle Gaumond’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Estelle Gaumond go by?

Elle (by Henry Gunn)
Ellie (by Henry Gunn)
Lyra Tionemum (Birth Name)
Stella (by Benji Chambers)

Role - What is Estelle Gaumond’s role in your story?

Main Protagonist

face Looks
Skin Tone

Fair, but slightly tan

Weight - How much does Estelle Gaumond weigh?

132 lbs.

Height - How tall is Estelle Gaumond?


Hair Color - What color is Estelle Gaumond’s hair?

Dark Brown

Hair Style - How does Estelle Gaumond style their hair?

Thick Curls (Usually in Braids)

Eye Color - What is Estelle Gaumond’s eye color?

Dark Brown

Race - What is Estelle Gaumond’s race?

Zabruytunian Knoyx (a humanoid species that are from Zabruytune, the Air Planet).

Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Estelle Gaumond have?

Estelle is impulsive, reckless and hot-headed.

Motivations - What motivates Estelle Gaumond most?

In the beginning, Estelle is motivated to get back to Earth to see her family and best friend. But soon after arriving, Estelle sees how the raging war is affecting all of the galaxy.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Estelle Gaumond have?

Estelle has a tendency to randomly start speaking french at odd times. She also constantly says sorry no matter what.

Personality type - What personality type is Estelle Gaumond?

ESTJ - The Guardian

Talents - What talents does Estelle Gaumond have?

Estelle is an exceptional learner and is quick to learn new things.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Estelle Gaumond’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Estelle Gaumond’s favorite weapon?

Her Fortes Bellatores bo-staff

Favorite possession - What is Estelle Gaumond’s favorite possession?

The moccasins her adoptive mother, Charlisa Gaumond, gave to her for Christmas of 2015

Favorite color - What is Estelle Gaumond’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Estelle Gaumond’s occupation?

University Student (2014-2016)
Thief (formerly)
Rebellion Pilot (formerly)
Rebellion Leader
Princess of the Zabruytunian Empire
Member of the Fortes Bellatores (formerly)
Queen of the Zabruytunian Empire

info History
Background - What is Estelle Gaumond’s background?

Estelle Gaumond (born Lyra Tionemum) was born January 23rd 11870 (1994) in the Palace of Zabruytune. She lived as the Princess of the Zabruytunian Empire for two months before her mother, Soe Tionemum, left the Empire to create her own and take over the entire galaxy, with her older sister, Vita Tionemum. Her father, Jaco Pereilos, sent her in one of the escape pods, which crashed on Earth on March 27th, 1994. Estelle was found by a highway leading into Quebec, Canada. She was then brought to a hospital, where she was later adopted by Charlisa and Pierre Gaumond. She grew up with a love for flying (something her mother hated). She always wanted to learn how to fly a plane and become a pilot. She would later be accepted into the University of Toronto for Astro-Physics.

Education - What is Estelle Gaumond’s level of education?

Mauricie English Elementary School (1999-2006)
Three Rivers Academy (2006-2012)
Toronto University (2014-2016)

Birthday - When is Estelle Gaumond’s birthday?

March 3rd, 1994 (believed to be on Earth)
January 23rd, 11870 A.E.E (1994) (true birthday)

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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